Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-11-10 11:32 afddab63

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chore(algebra/module): hide ring parameters, vector_space is no a proper class, remove dual, change variables to implicits the ring type is often unnecessary it can be computed from the module instance. Also a lot of parameters to lemmas should be implicits as they can be computed from assumptions or the expteced type.. @kckennylau: I removed dual as it does not make sense to take about all possible module structures possible on the function space linear_map α β α. I guess dual should be just linear_map α β α.

Estimated changes

modified def
modified def linear_map.ker
modified theorem linear_map.mem_ker
modified structure linear_map
deleted def module.dual
modified theorem module.mul_app
modified theorem smul_smul
modified theorem submodule.neg
modified theorem submodule.sub
modified def subspace
deleted def vector_space