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Commit 2017-09-28 19:16 afefdcbb

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chore(topology): move general theorems to the corresponding theories

Estimated changes

added theorem add_div
added theorem div_eq_mul_inv
added theorem neg_inv
deleted theorem add_div
deleted theorem at_top_ne_bot
deleted theorem cauchy_iff
deleted theorem filter.mem_at_top
deleted theorem forall_and_distrib'
deleted theorem map_at_top_eq
deleted theorem mem_at_top_iff
deleted theorem mem_closure_of_tendsto
deleted theorem div_eq_mul_inv
deleted theorem exists_lt_of_nat
deleted theorem int_of_nat_eq_of_nat
deleted theorem neg_inv
deleted def of_nat
deleted theorem of_nat_add
deleted theorem of_nat_bit0
deleted theorem of_nat_bit1
deleted theorem of_nat_le_of_nat
deleted theorem of_nat_le_of_nat_iff
deleted theorem of_nat_mul
deleted theorem of_nat_one
deleted theorem of_nat_pos
deleted theorem of_nat_sub
deleted theorem one_lt_inv
deleted theorem rat_coe_eq_of_nat
deleted theorem rat_of_nat_eq_of_nat
deleted theorem zero_le_of_nat
added theorem exists_lt_of_nat
added theorem int_of_nat_eq_of_nat
added def of_nat
added theorem of_nat_add
added theorem of_nat_bit0
added theorem of_nat_bit1
added theorem of_nat_le_of_nat
added theorem of_nat_le_of_nat_iff
added theorem of_nat_mul
added theorem of_nat_one
added theorem of_nat_pos
added theorem of_nat_sub
added theorem rat_coe_eq_of_nat
added theorem rat_of_nat_eq_of_nat
added theorem zero_le_of_nat
deleted theorem forall_subtype_iff
deleted theorem lt_sub_iff
added theorem max_of_rat_of_rat
added theorem min_of_rat_of_rat
deleted theorem one_lt_two
deleted theorem quot_mk_image_univ_eq
deleted theorem sub_lt_iff
deleted theorem binfi_inf
deleted theorem closure_compl
deleted theorem continuous_if
deleted def frontier
deleted theorem inf_principal_eq_bot
deleted theorem interior_compl