Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-04-26 20:19 b00a7f8a

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refactor(number_theory/padics/padic_norm): split file (#13576) This PR splits the initial part of the padic_norm.lean file that defines p-adic valuations into a new file called padic_val.lean. This split makes sense to me since it seems most files importing this don't actually use the norm, so those files can build more in parallel. It also seems like a good organizational change: This way people can look at the files in this directory and see immediately where the valuation is defined, and people looking for the definition of padic_norm in padic_norm.lean don't have to scroll.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem padic_val_int.mul
deleted theorem padic_val_int.of_nat
deleted theorem padic_val_int.self
deleted def padic_val_int
deleted theorem padic_val_int_dvd
deleted theorem padic_val_int_dvd_iff
deleted theorem padic_val_int_mul_eq_succ
deleted theorem padic_val_int_self
deleted theorem padic_val_nat.self
deleted def padic_val_nat
deleted theorem padic_val_nat_def
deleted theorem padic_val_nat_dvd_iff
deleted theorem padic_val_nat_primes
deleted theorem padic_val_nat_self
deleted theorem padic_val_rat.of_int
deleted theorem padic_val_rat.of_nat
deleted theorem padic_val_rat.self
deleted def padic_val_rat
deleted theorem padic_val_rat_of_nat
deleted theorem pow_padic_val_nat_dvd
added theorem padic_val_int.mul
added theorem padic_val_int.of_nat
added theorem padic_val_int.self
added def padic_val_int
added theorem padic_val_int_dvd
added theorem padic_val_int_dvd_iff
added theorem padic_val_int_self
added theorem padic_val_nat.self
added def padic_val_nat
added theorem padic_val_nat_def
added theorem padic_val_nat_dvd_iff
added theorem padic_val_nat_primes
added theorem padic_val_nat_self
added theorem padic_val_rat.of_int
added theorem padic_val_rat.of_nat
added theorem padic_val_rat.self
added def padic_val_rat
added theorem padic_val_rat_of_nat
added theorem pow_padic_val_nat_dvd