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Commit 2022-04-10 01:48 b2c707cd

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feat(group_theory): use generic subobject_class lemmas (#11758) This subobject class refactor PR follows up from #11750 by moving the {zero,one,add,mul,...}_mem_class lemmas to the root namespace and marking the previous sub{monoid,group,module,algebra,...}.{zero,one,add,mul,...}_mem lemmas as protected. This is the second part of #11545 to be split off. I made the subobject parameter to the _mem lemmas implicit if it appears in the hypotheses, e.g.

lemma mul_mem {S M : Type*} [monoid M] [set_like S M] [submonoid_class S M]
  {s : S} {x y : M} (hx : x ∈ s) (hy : y ∈ s) : x * y ∈ s

instead of having (s : S) explicit. The generic _mem lemmas are not namespaced, so there is no dot notation that requires s to be explicit. Also there were already a couple of instances for the same operator where s was implicit and others where s was explicit, so some change was needed.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem subalgebra.add_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_add
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_eq_one
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_eq_zero
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_int_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_mul
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_nat_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_neg
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_one
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_pow
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_sub
deleted theorem subalgebra.coe_zero
deleted theorem subalgebra.list_prod_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.list_sum_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.mul_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.neg_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.nsmul_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.one_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.pow_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.prod_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.sub_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.sum_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.zero_mem
deleted theorem subalgebra.zsmul_mem
deleted theorem submodule.add_mem
deleted theorem submodule.coe_neg
deleted theorem submodule.coe_sub
deleted theorem submodule.neg_mem
deleted theorem submodule.neg_mem_iff
deleted theorem submodule.sub_mem
deleted theorem submodule.sum_mem
deleted theorem submodule.zero_mem
deleted theorem subfield.add_mem
deleted theorem subfield.coe_int_mem
deleted theorem subfield.div_mem
deleted theorem subfield.inv_mem
deleted theorem subfield.list_prod_mem
deleted theorem subfield.list_sum_mem
deleted theorem subfield.mul_mem
deleted theorem subfield.multiset_sum_mem
deleted theorem subfield.neg_mem
deleted theorem subfield.one_mem
deleted theorem subfield.pow_mem
deleted theorem subfield.prod_mem
deleted theorem subfield.sub_mem
deleted theorem subfield.sum_mem
deleted theorem subfield.zero_mem
deleted theorem subfield.zsmul_mem
added theorem div_mem
added theorem div_mem_comm_iff
added theorem inv_coe_set
added theorem inv_mem_iff
added theorem mul_mem_cancel_left
added theorem mul_mem_cancel_right
deleted theorem subgroup.div_mem
deleted theorem subgroup.div_mem_comm_iff
deleted theorem subgroup.inv_coe_set
deleted theorem subgroup.inv_mem
deleted theorem subgroup.inv_mem_iff
deleted theorem subgroup.list_prod_mem
deleted theorem subgroup.mul_mem
deleted theorem subgroup.one_mem
deleted theorem subgroup.pow_mem
deleted theorem subgroup.prod_mem
deleted theorem subgroup.zpow_mem
deleted theorem subgroup_class.div_mem
deleted theorem subgroup_class.zpow_mem
added theorem zpow_mem
added theorem coe_int_mem
deleted theorem subring.add_mem
deleted theorem subring.coe_int_mem
modified theorem subring.coe_pow
deleted theorem subring.list_prod_mem
deleted theorem subring.list_sum_mem
deleted theorem subring.mul_mem
deleted theorem subring.multiset_prod_mem
deleted theorem subring.multiset_sum_mem
deleted theorem subring.neg_mem
deleted theorem subring.one_mem
deleted theorem subring.pow_mem
deleted theorem subring.prod_mem
deleted theorem subring.sub_mem
deleted theorem subring.sum_mem
deleted theorem subring.zero_mem
deleted theorem subring.zsmul_mem
deleted theorem subring_class.coe_int_mem
added theorem coe_nat_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.add_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.coe_nat_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.list_sum_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.mul_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.nsmul_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.one_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.pow_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.prod_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.sum_mem
deleted theorem subsemiring.zero_mem