Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-05-15 01:31 b8d8a5e4

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refactor(set_theory/game/*): Fix bad notation < on (pre-)games (#13963) Our current definition for < on pre-games is, in the wider mathematical literature, referred to as (less or fuzzy to). Conversely, what's usually referred to by < coincides with the relation we get from preorder pgame (which the current API avoids using at all). We rename < to , and add the basic API for both the new < and relations. This allows us to define new instances on pgame and game that we couldn't before. We also take the opportunity to add some basic API on the fuzzy relation . See the Zulip discussion.

Estimated changes

added theorem game.add_lf_add_left
added theorem game.add_lf_add_right
added def game.fuzzy
deleted theorem game.le_antisymm
deleted theorem game.le_refl
deleted theorem game.le_rfl
deleted theorem game.le_trans
added def game.lf
deleted theorem game.lt_or_eq_of_le
modified theorem game.not_le
added theorem game.not_lf
deleted theorem game.not_lt
deleted def game.partial_order
added theorem pgame.add_lf_add_left
added theorem pgame.add_lf_add_right
added theorem pgame.equiv.is_empty
added theorem pgame.equiv.not_fuzzy'
added theorem pgame.equiv.not_fuzzy
modified theorem pgame.equiv_rfl
added theorem pgame.fuzzy.not_equiv'
added theorem pgame.fuzzy.not_equiv
added theorem pgame.fuzzy.swap
added theorem pgame.fuzzy.swap_iff
added def pgame.fuzzy
added theorem pgame.fuzzy_congr
added theorem pgame.fuzzy_congr_imp
added theorem pgame.fuzzy_congr_left
added theorem pgame.fuzzy_irrefl
modified theorem pgame.le_congr
added theorem pgame.le_congr_imp
added theorem pgame.le_congr_left
added theorem pgame.le_congr_right
added theorem pgame.le_def_lf
deleted theorem pgame.le_def_lt
deleted theorem pgame.le_iff_neg_ge
added def pgame.le_lf
deleted def pgame.le_lt
modified theorem pgame.le_of_equiv_of_le
modified theorem pgame.le_of_le_of_equiv
added theorem pgame.le_or_gf
deleted theorem pgame.le_trans
deleted theorem pgame.le_trans_aux
modified theorem pgame.le_zero
added theorem pgame.le_zero_lf
added def pgame.lf
added theorem pgame.lf_congr
added theorem pgame.lf_congr_imp
added theorem pgame.lf_congr_left
added theorem pgame.lf_congr_right
added theorem pgame.lf_def
added theorem pgame.lf_def_le
added theorem pgame.lf_irrefl
added theorem pgame.lf_mk
added theorem pgame.lf_mk_of_le
added theorem pgame.lf_move_right
added theorem pgame.lf_of_fuzzy
added theorem pgame.lf_of_le_mk
added theorem pgame.lf_of_le_of_lf
added theorem pgame.lf_of_lf_of_le
added theorem pgame.lf_of_lf_of_lt
added theorem pgame.lf_of_lt
added theorem pgame.lf_of_lt_of_lf
added theorem pgame.lf_of_mk_le
added theorem pgame.lf_zero
added theorem pgame.lf_zero_le
added theorem pgame.lt_congr_imp
added theorem pgame.lt_congr_left
added theorem pgame.lt_congr_right
deleted theorem pgame.lt_def
deleted theorem pgame.lt_def_le
added theorem pgame.lt_iff_le_and_lf
deleted theorem pgame.lt_iff_neg_gt
deleted theorem pgame.lt_mk
deleted theorem pgame.lt_mk_of_le
deleted theorem pgame.lt_move_right
deleted theorem pgame.lt_move_right_of_le
modified theorem pgame.lt_of_equiv_of_lt
deleted theorem pgame.lt_of_le_mk
deleted theorem pgame.lt_of_le_move_left
added theorem pgame.lt_of_le_of_lf
deleted theorem pgame.lt_of_le_of_lt
modified theorem pgame.lt_of_lt_of_equiv
deleted theorem pgame.lt_of_lt_of_le
deleted theorem pgame.lt_of_mk_le
deleted theorem pgame.lt_of_move_right_le
deleted theorem pgame.lt_or_equiv_of_le
deleted theorem pgame.lt_or_equiv_or_gt
deleted theorem pgame.lt_zero
added theorem pgame.mk_lf
added theorem pgame.mk_lf_mk
added theorem pgame.mk_lf_of_le
deleted theorem pgame.mk_lt
deleted theorem pgame.mk_lt_mk
deleted theorem pgame.mk_lt_of_le
added theorem pgame.move_left_lf
deleted theorem pgame.move_left_lt
deleted theorem pgame.move_left_lt_of_le
added theorem pgame.neg_le_iff
added theorem pgame.neg_le_zero_iff
added theorem pgame.neg_lf_iff
added theorem pgame.neg_lf_zero_iff
added theorem pgame.neg_lt_iff
added theorem pgame.neg_lt_zero_iff
added theorem pgame.not_fuzzy_of_ge
added theorem pgame.not_fuzzy_of_le
deleted theorem pgame.not_le
added theorem pgame.not_lf
deleted theorem pgame.not_lt
added theorem pgame.star_fuzzy_zero
deleted theorem pgame.star_lt_zero
modified theorem pgame.zero_le
added theorem pgame.zero_le_lf
added theorem pgame.zero_le_neg_iff
modified theorem pgame.zero_le_one
added theorem pgame.zero_lf
added theorem pgame.zero_lf_le
added theorem pgame.zero_lf_neg_iff
added theorem pgame.zero_lf_one
deleted theorem pgame.zero_lt
added theorem pgame.zero_lt_neg_iff
deleted theorem pgame.zero_lt_star
modified def pgame.first_loses
modified def pgame.first_wins
modified def pgame.left_wins
modified theorem pgame.one_left_wins
modified def pgame.right_wins
modified theorem pgame.star_first_wins
modified theorem pgame.winner_cases
modified theorem pgame.zero_first_loses
added theorem pgame.add_lf_add
deleted theorem pgame.add_lt_add
added theorem pgame.le_of_lf
deleted theorem pgame.le_of_lt
added theorem pgame.lf_asymm
added theorem pgame.lf_iff_lt
deleted theorem pgame.lt_asymm
deleted theorem pgame.lt_iff_le_not_le
added theorem pgame.lt_of_lf
deleted theorem pgame.lt_trans'
deleted theorem pgame.lt_trans
added theorem pgame.not_fuzzy
modified theorem pgame.numeric.le_move_right
modified theorem pgame.numeric.move_left_le