Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-04-26 09:51 b94ea159

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refactor(linear_algebra/matrix/trace): unbundle matrix.diag (#13687) The bundling makes it awkward to work with, as the base ring has to be specified even though it doesn't affect the computation. This brings it in line with matrix.diagonal. The bundled version is now available as matrix.diag_linear_map. This adds a handful of missing lemmas about diag inspired by those about diagonal; almost all of which are just rfl.

Estimated changes

added def matrix.diag
added theorem matrix.diag_add
added theorem matrix.diag_diagonal
added theorem matrix.diag_map
added theorem matrix.diag_minor
added theorem matrix.diag_neg
added theorem matrix.diag_one
added theorem matrix.diag_smul
added theorem matrix.diag_sub
added theorem matrix.diag_transpose
added theorem matrix.diag_zero
modified theorem matrix.diagonal_apply_eq
modified theorem matrix.diagonal_apply_ne'
modified theorem matrix.diagonal_apply_ne
modified theorem matrix.one_apply_eq