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Commit 2018-01-19 17:05 baa4b09e

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feat(analysis/real): swap out the definition of real, shorten proofs

Estimated changes

deleted theorem abs_real_eq_abs
deleted theorem coe_rat_eq_of_rat
modified theorem compact_ivl
deleted theorem continuous_abs_rat
deleted theorem continuous_abs_real
deleted theorem continuous_inv_real'
deleted theorem continuous_inv_real
deleted theorem continuous_mul_real'
deleted theorem continuous_mul_real
added theorem continuous_of_rat
modified theorem dense_embedding_of_rat
added theorem embedding_of_rat
deleted theorem exists_gt_of_rat
deleted theorem exists_lt_nat
deleted theorem exists_lt_of_rat
deleted theorem exists_lt_rat
deleted theorem exists_pos_of_rat
deleted theorem exists_rat_btwn
deleted theorem exists_rat_lt
deleted def lift_rat_fun
deleted theorem lift_rat_fun_of_rat
deleted def lift_rat_op
deleted theorem lift_rat_op_of_rat_of_rat
deleted theorem map_neg_rat
deleted theorem map_neg_real
deleted theorem max_of_rat
deleted theorem mem_nonneg_of_continuous2
deleted theorem mem_uniformity_rat
deleted theorem mem_uniformity_real_iff
deleted theorem mem_zero_nhd
deleted theorem mem_zero_nhd_iff
deleted theorem mem_zero_nhd_le
deleted theorem min_of_rat
deleted theorem nhds_0_eq_zero_nhd
deleted theorem nhds_eq_map_zero_nhd
deleted theorem nhds_eq_real
deleted def nonneg
deleted theorem nonneg_antisymm
deleted def of_rat
deleted theorem of_rat_abs
deleted theorem of_rat_add
deleted theorem of_rat_inj
deleted theorem of_rat_injective
deleted theorem of_rat_inv
deleted theorem of_rat_le
deleted theorem of_rat_lt
deleted theorem of_rat_mem_nonneg
deleted theorem of_rat_mem_nonneg_iff
deleted theorem of_rat_mul
deleted theorem of_rat_neg
deleted theorem of_rat_one
deleted theorem of_rat_sub
deleted theorem of_rat_zero
deleted theorem preimage_neg_rat
deleted theorem pure_zero_le_zero_nhd
added theorem rat.continuous_abs
added theorem rat.continuous_mul
added theorem rat.dist_eq
added theorem real.Cauchy_eq
added theorem real.Ioo_eq_ball
added theorem real.ball_eq_Ioo
added theorem real.continuous_abs
added theorem real.continuous_inv'
added theorem real.continuous_inv
added theorem real.continuous_mul
deleted theorem real.le_def
deleted theorem real.neg_preimage_closure
added theorem real.tendsto_inv
deleted def real
deleted theorem tendsto_add_rat_zero'
deleted theorem tendsto_add_rat_zero
deleted theorem tendsto_inv_pos_rat
deleted theorem tendsto_inv_rat
deleted theorem tendsto_inv_real
deleted theorem tendsto_mul_bnd_rat'
deleted theorem tendsto_mul_bnd_rat
deleted theorem tendsto_mul_rat'
deleted theorem tendsto_neg_rat_zero
deleted theorem tendsto_sub_rat'
deleted theorem tendsto_zero_nhds
deleted theorem totally_bounded_01_rat
deleted theorem two_eq_of_rat_two
deleted theorem uniform_continuous_rat'
deleted theorem uniform_continuous_rat
deleted theorem uniform_embedding_add_rat
deleted theorem uniform_embedding_mul_rat
modified theorem uniform_embedding_of_rat
deleted theorem uniformity_rat
deleted theorem zero_le_iff_nonneg
deleted def zero_nhd