Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-10-01 03:25 babca8e3

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refactor(algebra/group_with_zero): rename lemmas to use ₀ instead of ' (#9424) We currently have lots of lemmas for group_with_zero that already have a corresponding lemma for group. We've dealt with name collisions so far just by adding a prime. This PR renames these lemmas to use a suffix instead of a '. In part this is out of desire to reduce our overuse of primes in mathlib names (putting the burden on users to know names, rather than relying on naming conventions). But it may also help with a problem Daniel Selsam ran into at (Briefly, mathport is also adding primes to names when it encounters name collisions, and these particular primes were causing problems. There are are other potential fixes in the works, but everything helps.)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem commute.inv_inv'
added theorem commute.inv_inv₀
deleted theorem commute.inv_left'
deleted theorem commute.inv_left_iff'
added theorem commute.inv_left₀
deleted theorem commute.inv_right'
deleted theorem commute.inv_right_iff'
added theorem commute.inv_right₀
deleted theorem eq_inv_mul_iff_mul_eq'
deleted theorem eq_mul_inv_iff_mul_eq'
deleted theorem inv_eq_one'
added theorem inv_eq_one₀
deleted theorem inv_inj'
deleted theorem inv_injective'
added theorem inv_injective₀
added theorem inv_inj₀
deleted theorem inv_inv'
deleted theorem inv_involutive'
added theorem inv_involutive₀
added theorem inv_inv₀
deleted theorem inv_mul_cancel_left'
added theorem inv_mul_cancel_left₀
deleted theorem inv_mul_cancel_right'
deleted theorem inv_mul_eq_iff_eq_mul'
deleted theorem inv_mul_eq_one'
added theorem inv_mul_eq_one₀
deleted theorem mul_eq_one_iff_eq_inv'
deleted theorem mul_eq_one_iff_inv_eq'
deleted theorem mul_inv'
deleted theorem mul_inv_cancel_left'
added theorem mul_inv_cancel_left₀
deleted theorem mul_inv_cancel_right'
deleted theorem mul_inv_eq_iff_eq_mul'
deleted theorem mul_inv_eq_one'
added theorem mul_inv_eq_one₀
deleted theorem mul_inv_rev'
added theorem mul_inv_rev₀
added theorem mul_inv₀
modified theorem mul_left_inj'
modified theorem mul_right_inj'
deleted theorem semiconj_by.inv_right'
deleted theorem inv_pow'
added theorem inv_pow₀
deleted theorem pow_inv_comm'
added theorem pow_inv_comm₀
deleted theorem pow_sub'
added theorem pow_sub₀
deleted theorem units.coe_gpow'
added theorem units.coe_gpow₀
deleted theorem div_le_div'
added theorem div_le_div₀
deleted theorem inv_le_inv''
added theorem inv_le_inv₀
deleted theorem inv_lt_inv''
added theorem inv_lt_inv₀
deleted theorem mul_inv_lt_of_lt_mul'
deleted theorem mul_lt_mul''''
added theorem mul_lt_mul₀
deleted theorem mul_lt_right'
added theorem mul_lt_right₀
deleted theorem pow_lt_pow'
added theorem pow_lt_pow₀
deleted theorem zero_lt_one''
added theorem zero_lt_one₀
deleted theorem eq_inv_smul_iff'
added theorem eq_inv_smul_iff₀
deleted theorem inv_smul_eq_iff'
added theorem inv_smul_eq_iff₀
deleted theorem inv_smul_smul'
added theorem inv_smul_smul₀
deleted theorem smul_inv_smul'
added theorem smul_inv_smul₀