Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-11-17 07:53 bb168510

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feat(algebra/ne_zero): generalize lemmas (#17477) Lemmas with reduced typeclass assumptions: zero_ne_one one_ne_zero two_ne_zero three_ne_zero four_ne_zero ne_zero_of_eq_one Removed lemmas: is_R_or_C.two_ne_zero two_ne_zero' New explicit version lemmas: zero_ne_one' one_ne_zero' two_ne_zero' three_ne_zero' four_ne_zero' Renamed lemma:' -> ne_zero.nat_cast_ne New lemma:' Most of other diffs are just simply replace @lemma with new explicit lemmas mathlib4:

Estimated changes

added theorem four_ne_zero'
added theorem four_ne_zero
added theorem'
added theorem ne_zero_of_eq_one
added theorem one_ne_zero'
added theorem one_ne_zero
added theorem three_ne_zero'
added theorem three_ne_zero
added theorem two_ne_zero'
added theorem two_ne_zero
added theorem zero_ne_one'
added theorem zero_ne_one