Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-08-06 15:42 bc2bcac7

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chore(algebra/module): Move submodule to its own file (#3696)

Estimated changes

deleted theorem submodule.add_mem
deleted theorem submodule.coe_add
deleted theorem submodule.coe_eq_coe
deleted theorem submodule.coe_eq_zero
deleted theorem submodule.coe_injective
deleted theorem submodule.coe_mem
deleted theorem submodule.coe_mk
deleted theorem submodule.coe_neg
deleted theorem submodule.coe_set_eq
deleted theorem submodule.coe_smul
deleted theorem submodule.coe_sort_coe
deleted theorem submodule.coe_sub
deleted theorem submodule.coe_zero
deleted theorem submodule.ext'_iff
deleted theorem submodule.ext
deleted theorem submodule.mem_coe
deleted theorem submodule.mk_eq_zero
deleted theorem submodule.neg_mem
deleted theorem submodule.neg_mem_iff
deleted theorem submodule.smul_mem
deleted theorem submodule.smul_mem_iff'
deleted theorem submodule.smul_mem_iff
deleted theorem submodule.sub_mem
deleted theorem submodule.subtype_apply
deleted theorem submodule.subtype_eq_val
deleted theorem submodule.sum_mem
deleted theorem submodule.sum_smul_mem
deleted theorem submodule.zero_mem
deleted structure submodule
deleted def subspace
added theorem submodule.add_mem
added theorem submodule.coe_add
added theorem submodule.coe_eq_coe
added theorem submodule.coe_eq_zero
added theorem submodule.coe_mem
added theorem submodule.coe_mk
added theorem submodule.coe_neg
added theorem submodule.coe_set_eq
added theorem submodule.coe_smul
added theorem submodule.coe_sort_coe
added theorem submodule.coe_sub
added theorem submodule.coe_zero
added theorem submodule.ext'_iff
added theorem submodule.ext
added theorem submodule.mem_coe
added theorem submodule.mk_eq_zero
added theorem submodule.neg_mem
added theorem submodule.neg_mem_iff
added theorem submodule.smul_mem
added theorem submodule.smul_mem_iff
added theorem submodule.sub_mem
added theorem submodule.sum_mem
added theorem submodule.sum_smul_mem
added theorem submodule.zero_mem
added structure submodule
added def subspace