Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2023-01-08 09:48 bc7d81be

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feat(data/{set,finset}/basic): Convenience lemmas (#17957) Add a few convenient corollaries to existing lemmas.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem set.diff_eq_self
deleted theorem set.disjoint_diff
modified theorem set.disjoint_empty
modified theorem set.disjoint_of_subset
modified theorem set.disjoint_of_subset_left
modified theorem set.disjoint_singleton
modified theorem set.disjoint_singleton_left
modified theorem set.disjoint_union_left
modified theorem set.disjoint_union_right
modified theorem set.disjoint_univ
modified theorem set.empty_disjoint
modified theorem set.subset_diff
modified theorem set.univ_disjoint