Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-10-06 15:46 bcd13a77

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refactor(data/equiv): split out ./set from ./basic (#9560) This move all the equivalences between sets-coerced-to-types to a new file, which makes equiv/basic a slightly more manageable size. The only non-move change in this PR is the rewriting of equiv.of_bijective to not go via equiv.of_injective, as we already have all the fields available directly and this allows the latter to move to a separate file. This will allow us to import order_dual.lean earlier, as we no longer have to define boolean algebras before equivalences are available. This relates to #4758.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem dite_comp_equiv_update
deleted def equiv.image
deleted theorem equiv.image_eq_iff_eq
deleted theorem equiv.image_preimage
deleted theorem equiv.image_subset
deleted theorem equiv.image_symm_image
deleted theorem equiv.preimage_image
deleted theorem equiv.preimage_subset
deleted theorem equiv.prod_assoc_preimage
deleted theorem equiv.range_eq_univ
deleted def equiv.set_congr
deleted theorem equiv.symm_image_image
deleted theorem set.mem_image_equiv
added theorem dite_comp_equiv_update
added def equiv.image
added theorem equiv.image_eq_iff_eq
added theorem equiv.image_preimage
added theorem equiv.image_subset
added theorem equiv.image_symm_image
added theorem equiv.preimage_image
added theorem equiv.preimage_subset
added theorem equiv.range_eq_univ
added def equiv.set_congr
added theorem equiv.symm_image_image
added theorem set.mem_image_equiv