Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-04-25 13:06 bf041275

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feat(order): add liminf and limsup over filters (c.f. Sébastien Gouëzel's #115)

Estimated changes

added def filter.Liminf
added theorem filter.Liminf_bot
added theorem filter.Liminf_le_of_le
added theorem filter.Liminf_top
added def filter.Limsup
added theorem filter.Limsup_bot
added theorem filter.Limsup_le_of_le
added theorem filter.Limsup_top
added theorem filter.is_bounded_bot
added theorem filter.is_bounded_iff
added theorem filter.is_bounded_sup
added theorem filter.is_bounded_top
added theorem
added theorem filter.le_Liminf_of_le
added theorem filter.le_Limsup_of_le
added def filter.liminf
added theorem filter.liminf_eq
added def filter.limsup
added theorem filter.limsup_eq