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Commit 2020-08-26 20:24 c1478948

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feat(data/fin): flesh out API for fin (#3769) Provide more API for fin n. Lemma names chosen to match equivalent lemmas in nat. Does not develop docstrings for the lemmas. New lemmas: iff lemmas for comparison ne_iff_vne eq_mk_iff_coe_eq succ_le_succ_iff succ_lt_succ_iff lemmas about explicit numerals val_zero' mk_zero mk_one mk_bit0 mk_bit1 cast_succ_zero succ_zero_eq_one zero_ne_one pred_one lemmas about order zero_le succ_pos mk_succ_pos one_pos one_lt_succ_succ succ_succ_ne_one pred_mk_succ cast_succ_lt_last cast_succ_lt_succ lt_succ last_pos le_coe_last coe lemmas: coe_eq_cast_succ coe_succ_eq_succ coe_nat_eq_last succ_above API: succ_above_below succ_above_zero succ_above_last succ_above_above succ_above_pos addition API: add_one_pos pred_add_one Co-authored by: Yury Kudryashov

Estimated changes

added theorem fin.add_one_pos
added theorem fin.cast_succ_lt_last
added theorem fin.cast_succ_lt_succ
deleted theorem fin.cast_succ_ne_last
added theorem fin.cast_succ_zero
added theorem fin.coe_eq_cast_succ
added theorem fin.coe_nat_eq_last
added theorem fin.coe_succ_eq_succ
added theorem fin.eq_mk_iff_coe_eq
added theorem fin.last_pos
added theorem fin.le_coe_last
added theorem fin.lt_succ
added theorem fin.mk_bit0
added theorem fin.mk_bit1
added theorem fin.mk_one
added theorem fin.mk_succ_pos
added theorem fin.mk_zero
added theorem fin.ne_iff_vne
added theorem fin.one_lt_succ_succ
added theorem fin.one_pos
added theorem fin.pred_add_one
added theorem fin.pred_mk_succ
added theorem fin.pred_one
added theorem fin.succ_above_above
added theorem fin.succ_above_below
added theorem fin.succ_above_last
added theorem fin.succ_above_pos
added theorem fin.succ_above_zero
added theorem fin.succ_le_succ_iff
added theorem fin.succ_lt_succ_iff
added theorem fin.succ_pos
added theorem fin.succ_succ_ne_one
added theorem fin.succ_zero_eq_one
added theorem fin.val_zero'
added theorem fin.zero_ne_one
deleted theorem fin.zero_val