Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-12-03 08:57 c176aa5d

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refactor(data/stream): swap args of stream.nth (#10559) This way it agrees with (a) list.nth; (b) a possible redefinition

structure stream (α : Type*) := (nth : nat → α)

Estimated changes

modified theorem stream.all_def
modified theorem stream.any_def
modified theorem stream.mem_of_nth_eq
modified theorem stream.nth_const
modified theorem stream.nth_drop
modified theorem stream.nth_even
modified theorem stream.nth_inits
modified theorem stream.nth_interleave_left
modified theorem stream.nth_interleave_right
modified theorem stream.nth_map
modified theorem stream.nth_nats
modified theorem stream.nth_odd
modified theorem stream.nth_succ
modified theorem stream.nth_tails
modified theorem stream.nth_take_succ
modified theorem stream.nth_zero_cons
modified theorem stream.nth_zero_iterate