Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2019-04-18 22:33 c1aff1b5

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style(tactic/omega): whitespace and minor tweaks missed the PR review cycle

Estimated changes

modified theorem list.func.add_nil
modified theorem list.func.equiv_of_eq
modified theorem list.func.equiv_symm
modified theorem list.func.get_map'
modified theorem list.func.get_map
modified theorem list.func.get_neg
modified theorem list.func.get_nil
modified theorem list.func.get_pointwise
modified theorem list.func.get_sub
modified theorem list.func.length_add
modified theorem list.func.length_neg
modified theorem list.func.length_pointwise
modified theorem list.func.length_sub
modified theorem list.func.nil_add
modified theorem list.func.nil_pointwise
modified theorem list.func.nil_sub
modified theorem list.func.pointwise_nil
modified theorem list.func.sub_nil