Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-04-16 14:03 c3d943e2

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feat(computability): strong reducibility and degrees (#1203)

Estimated changes

added theorem computable.equiv₂
added theorem computable.eqv
added theorem disjoin_le
added theorem equiv.computable.symm
added theorem equiv.computable.trans
added def equiv.computable
added theorem many_one_degree.add_le
added def many_one_degree
added theorem many_one_equiv.symm
added theorem many_one_equiv.trans
added def many_one_equiv
added theorem many_one_equiv_refl
added theorem
added theorem one_one_equiv.of_equiv
added theorem one_one_equiv.symm
added theorem one_one_equiv.trans
added def one_one_equiv
added theorem one_one_equiv_refl
added theorem
added theorem one_one_reducible_refl