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Commit 2021-10-27 17:47 c529711f

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refactor(*): rename fpow and gpow to zpow (#9989) Historically, we had two notions of integer power, one on groups called gpow and the other one on fields called fpow. Since the introduction of div_inv_monoid and group_with_zero, these definitions have been merged into one, and the boundaries are not clear any more. We rename both of them to zpow, adding a subscript 0 to disambiguate lemma names when there is a collision, where the subscripted version is for groups with zeroes (as is already done for inv lemmas). To limit the scope of the change. this PR does not rename gsmul to zsmul or gmultiples to zmultiples.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem abs_fpow_bit0
added theorem abs_zpow_bit0
deleted theorem even.abs_fpow
added theorem even.abs_zpow
deleted theorem even.fpow_abs
deleted theorem even.fpow_neg
deleted theorem even.fpow_nonneg
deleted theorem even.fpow_pos
added theorem even.zpow_abs
added theorem even.zpow_neg
added theorem even.zpow_nonneg
added theorem even.zpow_pos
deleted theorem fpow_bit0_abs
deleted theorem fpow_bit0_neg
deleted theorem fpow_bit0_nonneg
deleted theorem fpow_bit0_pos
deleted theorem fpow_bit1_neg
deleted theorem fpow_bit1_neg_iff
deleted theorem fpow_bit1_nonneg_iff
deleted theorem fpow_bit1_nonpos_iff
deleted theorem fpow_bit1_pos_iff
deleted theorem fpow_eq_zero_iff
deleted theorem fpow_inj
deleted theorem fpow_injective
deleted theorem fpow_le_iff_le
deleted theorem fpow_le_of_le
deleted theorem fpow_le_one_of_nonpos
deleted theorem fpow_lt_iff_lt
deleted theorem fpow_nonneg
deleted theorem fpow_pos_of_pos
deleted theorem fpow_strict_mono
deleted theorem fpow_two_nonneg
deleted theorem fpow_two_pos_of_ne_zero
deleted theorem nat.fpow_ne_zero_of_pos
deleted theorem nat.fpow_pos_of_pos
added theorem nat.zpow_pos_of_pos
deleted theorem odd.fpow_neg
deleted theorem odd.fpow_nonneg
deleted theorem odd.fpow_nonpos
deleted theorem odd.fpow_pos
added theorem odd.zpow_neg
added theorem odd.zpow_nonneg
added theorem odd.zpow_nonpos
added theorem odd.zpow_pos
deleted theorem one_le_fpow_of_nonneg
added theorem one_le_zpow_of_nonneg
deleted theorem one_lt_fpow
added theorem one_lt_zpow
deleted theorem rat.cast_fpow
added theorem rat.cast_zpow
deleted theorem ring_equiv.map_fpow
added theorem ring_equiv.map_zpow
deleted theorem ring_hom.map_fpow
added theorem ring_hom.map_zpow
added theorem zpow_bit0_abs
added theorem zpow_bit0_neg
added theorem zpow_bit0_nonneg
added theorem zpow_bit0_pos
added theorem zpow_bit1_neg
added theorem zpow_bit1_neg_iff
added theorem zpow_bit1_nonneg_iff
added theorem zpow_bit1_nonpos_iff
added theorem zpow_bit1_pos_iff
added theorem zpow_eq_zero_iff
added theorem zpow_inj
added theorem zpow_injective
added theorem zpow_le_iff_le
added theorem zpow_le_of_le
added theorem zpow_le_one_of_nonpos
added theorem zpow_lt_iff_lt
added theorem zpow_nonneg
added theorem zpow_pos_of_pos
added theorem zpow_strict_mono
added theorem zpow_two_nonneg
deleted theorem commute.gpow_gpow
deleted theorem commute.gpow_gpow_self
deleted theorem commute.gpow_left
deleted theorem commute.gpow_right
deleted theorem commute.gpow_self
deleted theorem commute.mul_gpow
added theorem commute.mul_zpow
deleted theorem commute.self_gpow
added theorem commute.self_zpow
added theorem commute.zpow_left
added theorem commute.zpow_right
added theorem commute.zpow_self
added theorem commute.zpow_zpow
added theorem commute.zpow_zpow_self
deleted theorem div_gpow
added theorem div_zpow
deleted theorem gpow_coe_nat
deleted theorem gpow_eq_pow
deleted def gpow_group_hom
deleted theorem gpow_neg
deleted theorem gpow_neg_one
deleted theorem gpow_neg_succ_of_nat
deleted theorem gpow_of_nat
deleted theorem gpow_one
deleted theorem gpow_zero
deleted theorem inv_gpow
added theorem inv_zpow
deleted theorem mul_gpow
deleted theorem mul_gpow_neg_one
added theorem mul_zpow
added theorem mul_zpow_neg_one
deleted theorem of_mul_gpow
added theorem of_mul_zpow
deleted theorem one_gpow
added theorem one_zpow
deleted theorem semiconj_by.gpow_right
added theorem semiconj_by.zpow_right
added theorem zpow_coe_nat
added theorem zpow_eq_pow
added def zpow_group_hom
added theorem zpow_neg
added theorem zpow_neg_one
added theorem zpow_neg_succ_of_nat
added theorem zpow_of_nat
added theorem zpow_one
added theorem zpow_zero
deleted theorem commute.units_gpow_left
deleted theorem commute.units_gpow_right
deleted theorem gpow_add
deleted theorem gpow_add_one
deleted theorem gpow_bit0
deleted theorem gpow_bit1
deleted theorem gpow_mul'
deleted theorem gpow_mul
deleted theorem gpow_mul_comm
deleted theorem gpow_one_add
deleted theorem gpow_sub
deleted theorem gpow_sub_one
deleted def gpowers_hom
deleted theorem gpowers_hom_apply
deleted theorem gpowers_hom_symm_apply
deleted def gpowers_mul_hom
deleted theorem gpowers_mul_hom_apply
deleted theorem int.to_add_gpow
added theorem int.to_add_zpow
deleted theorem monoid_hom.map_gpow
added theorem monoid_hom.map_zpow
deleted theorem mul_gpow_self
deleted theorem mul_self_gpow
added theorem mul_self_zpow
added theorem mul_zpow_self
deleted theorem opposite.op_gpow
added theorem opposite.op_zpow
deleted theorem opposite.unop_gpow
added theorem opposite.unop_zpow
deleted theorem units.coe_gpow
added theorem units.coe_zpow
added theorem zpow_add
added theorem zpow_add_one
added theorem zpow_bit0
added theorem zpow_bit1
added theorem zpow_mul'
added theorem zpow_mul
added theorem zpow_mul_comm
added theorem zpow_one_add
added theorem zpow_sub
added theorem zpow_sub_one
added def zpowers_hom
added theorem zpowers_hom_apply
added theorem zpowers_hom_symm_apply
added def zpowers_mul_hom
added theorem zpowers_mul_hom_apply
deleted theorem commute.fpow_fpow
deleted theorem commute.fpow_fpow_self
deleted theorem commute.fpow_left
deleted theorem commute.fpow_right
deleted theorem commute.fpow_self
deleted theorem commute.mul_fpow
added theorem commute.mul_zpow₀
deleted theorem commute.self_fpow
added theorem commute.self_zpow₀
added theorem commute.zpow_left₀
added theorem commute.zpow_right₀
added theorem commute.zpow_self₀
added theorem commute.zpow_zpow₀
deleted theorem div_fpow
added theorem div_zpow₀
deleted theorem fpow_add'
deleted theorem fpow_add
deleted theorem fpow_add_one
deleted theorem fpow_bit0'
deleted theorem fpow_bit0
deleted theorem fpow_bit1'
deleted theorem fpow_bit1
deleted theorem fpow_eq_zero
deleted theorem fpow_mul'
deleted theorem fpow_mul
deleted theorem fpow_ne_zero
deleted theorem fpow_ne_zero_of_ne_zero
deleted theorem fpow_neg
deleted theorem fpow_neg_mul_fpow_self
deleted theorem fpow_neg_one
deleted theorem fpow_one_add
deleted theorem fpow_sub
deleted theorem fpow_sub_one
deleted theorem inv_fpow'
deleted theorem inv_fpow
added theorem inv_zpow'
added theorem inv_zpow₀
deleted theorem mul_fpow
added theorem mul_zpow₀
deleted theorem one_div_fpow
added theorem one_div_zpow
deleted theorem one_fpow
added theorem one_zpow₀
deleted theorem semiconj_by.fpow_right
deleted theorem units.coe_gpow₀
added theorem units.coe_zpow₀
deleted theorem zero_fpow
added theorem zero_zpow
added theorem zpow_add'
added theorem zpow_add_one₀
added theorem zpow_add₀
added theorem zpow_bit0'
added theorem zpow_bit0₀
added theorem zpow_bit1'
added theorem zpow_bit1₀
added theorem zpow_eq_zero
added theorem zpow_mul₀'
added theorem zpow_mul₀
added theorem zpow_ne_zero
added theorem zpow_neg_mul_zpow_self
added theorem zpow_neg_one₀
added theorem zpow_neg₀
added theorem zpow_one_add₀
added theorem zpow_sub_one₀
added theorem zpow_sub₀
deleted theorem star_fpow
deleted theorem star_gpow
added theorem star_zpow
added theorem star_zpow₀
deleted theorem deriv_fpow'
deleted theorem deriv_fpow
deleted theorem deriv_within_fpow
added theorem deriv_within_zpow
added theorem deriv_zpow'
added theorem deriv_zpow
deleted theorem differentiable_at_fpow
added theorem differentiable_at_zpow
deleted theorem differentiable_on_fpow
added theorem differentiable_on_zpow
deleted theorem has_deriv_at_fpow
added theorem has_deriv_at_zpow
deleted theorem has_deriv_within_at_fpow
deleted theorem has_strict_deriv_at_fpow
deleted theorem iter_deriv_fpow'
deleted theorem iter_deriv_fpow
added theorem iter_deriv_zpow'
added theorem iter_deriv_zpow
deleted theorem is_unit.det_fpow
added theorem is_unit.det_zpow
deleted theorem matrix.commute.fpow_fpow
deleted theorem matrix.commute.fpow_left
deleted theorem matrix.commute.fpow_right
deleted theorem matrix.commute.fpow_self
deleted theorem matrix.commute.mul_fpow
deleted theorem matrix.commute.self_fpow
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_add
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_add_of_nonneg
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_add_of_nonpos
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_add_one
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_bit0'
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_bit0
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_bit1'
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_bit1
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_coe_nat
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_mul'
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_mul
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_neg
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_neg_coe_nat
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_neg_one
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_one_add
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_sub
deleted theorem matrix.fpow_sub_one
deleted theorem matrix.inv_fpow'
deleted theorem matrix.inv_fpow
added theorem matrix.inv_zpow'
added theorem matrix.inv_zpow
deleted theorem matrix.one_div_fpow
added theorem matrix.one_div_zpow
deleted theorem matrix.one_fpow
added theorem matrix.one_zpow
deleted theorem matrix.units.coe_fpow
added theorem matrix.units.coe_zpow
deleted theorem matrix.zero_fpow
deleted theorem matrix.zero_fpow_eq
added theorem matrix.zero_zpow
added theorem matrix.zero_zpow_eq
added theorem matrix.zpow_add
added theorem matrix.zpow_add_one
added theorem matrix.zpow_bit0'
added theorem matrix.zpow_bit0
added theorem matrix.zpow_bit1'
added theorem matrix.zpow_bit1
added theorem matrix.zpow_coe_nat
added theorem matrix.zpow_mul'
added theorem matrix.zpow_mul
added theorem matrix.zpow_neg
added theorem matrix.zpow_neg_one
added theorem matrix.zpow_one_add
added theorem matrix.zpow_sub
added theorem matrix.zpow_sub_one
deleted theorem continuous.fpow
added theorem continuous.zpow
deleted theorem continuous_at.fpow
added theorem continuous_at.zpow
deleted theorem continuous_at_fpow
added theorem continuous_at_zpow
deleted theorem continuous_on.fpow
added theorem continuous_on.zpow
deleted theorem continuous_on_fpow
added theorem continuous_on_zpow
deleted theorem continuous_within_at.fpow
deleted theorem filter.tendsto.fpow
added theorem filter.tendsto.zpow