Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2023-03-26 23:49 c5dd9310

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feat(set_theory/zfc/basic): tweak Class hom lemmas (#18295) This PR renames a bunch of hom lemmas to better match the style of the rest of mathlib, and tags them as norm_cast. We also add the corresponding lemmas for the union.

Estimated changes

added theorem Class.coe_apply
added theorem Class.coe_diff
added theorem Class.coe_empty
added theorem Class.coe_insert
added theorem Class.coe_inter
added theorem Class.coe_mem
deleted theorem Class.coe_mem_powerset
added theorem Class.coe_powerset
added theorem Class.coe_sUnion
added theorem Class.coe_sep
added theorem Class.coe_subset
added theorem Class.coe_union
deleted theorem Class.diff_hom
deleted theorem Class.empty_hom
deleted theorem Class.insert_hom
deleted theorem Class.inter_hom
deleted theorem Class.mem_hom_left
deleted theorem Class.mem_hom_right
added theorem Class.powerset_apply
deleted theorem Class.powerset_hom
added theorem Class.sUnion_apply
deleted theorem Class.sUnion_hom
deleted theorem Class.sep_hom
deleted theorem Class.subset_hom
deleted theorem Class.union_hom