Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-12-17 15:21 c9fe6d1a

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feat(algebra/algebra): instantiate ring_hom_class for alg_hom (#10853) This PR provides a ring_hom_class instance for alg_hom, to be used in #10783. I'm not quite finished with my design of morphism classes for linear maps, but I expect this instance will stick around anyway: to avoid a dangerous instance alg_hom_class F R A B → ring_hom_class F A B (where the base ring R can't be inferred), alg_hom_class will probably have to be unbundled and take a ring_hom_class as a parameter.

Estimated changes

modified theorem alg_hom.coe_fn_inj
modified theorem alg_hom.coe_fn_injective
modified theorem alg_hom.coe_to_monoid_hom
modified theorem alg_hom.ext
modified theorem alg_hom.ext_iff
modified theorem alg_hom.map_add
modified theorem alg_hom.map_bit0
modified theorem alg_hom.map_bit1
modified theorem alg_hom.map_mul
modified theorem alg_hom.map_neg
modified theorem alg_hom.map_one
modified theorem alg_hom.map_pow
modified theorem alg_hom.map_sub
modified theorem alg_hom.map_zero