Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-02-22 18:48 cc9d3ab1

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feat(algebra/module,linear_algebra): generalize smul_eq_zero (#6199) Moves the theorem on division rings smul_eq_zero to a typeclass no_zero_smul_divisors with instances for the previously existing cases. The motivation for this change is that #6178 added another smul_eq_zero, which could be captured neatly as an instance of the typeclass. I didn't spend a lot of time yet on figuring out all the necessary instances, first let's see whether this compiles.

Estimated changes

modified theorem eq_zero_of_eq_neg
modified theorem eq_zero_of_smul_two_eq_zero
modified theorem ne_neg_of_ne_zero
modified theorem smul_eq_zero
deleted theorem smul_nat_eq_zero