Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-04-02 19:25 d3b8622b

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fix(tactic/lint): simp_nf: do not ignore errors (#2266) This PR fixes some bugs in the simp_nf linter. Previously it ignored all errors (from failing tactics). I've changed this so that errors from linters are handled centrally and reported as linter warnings. The simp_is_conditional function was also broken. As usual, new linters find new issues:

  1. Apparently Lean sometimes throws away simp lemmas.
  2. Some types define has_coe but have an incorrect has_coe_to_fun, causing the simplifier to loop ⇑f a = ⇑↑f a = ⇑f a. See the new library note:

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