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Commit 2021-08-01 19:11 d3c943b7

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refactor(data/set/lattice): add congr lemmas for Prop-indexed Union and Inter (#8260) Thanks to new @[congr] lemmas Union_congr_Prop and Inter_congr_Prop, simp can simplify p y in ⋃ y (h : p y), f y. As a result, LHS of many lemmas (e.g., Union_image) is no longer in simp normal form. E.g.,

lemma bUnion_range {f : ι → α} {g : α → set β} : (⋃x ∈ range f, g x) = (⋃y, g (f y)) :=

can no longer be a @[simp] lemma because simp simplifies ⋃x ∈ range f, g x to ⋃ (x : α) (h : ∃ i, f i = x), g x, then to ⋃ (x : α) (i : α) (h : f i = x), g x. So, we add

@[simp] lemma Union_Union_eq' {f : ι → α} {g : α → set β} :
  (⋃ x y (h : f y = x), g x) = ⋃ y, g (f y) :=

Also, Union and Inter are semireducible, so one has to explicitly convert between these operations and supr/infi.

Estimated changes

added theorem set.Inf_eq_sInter
modified def set.Inter
added theorem set.Inter_Inter_eq'
added theorem set.Inter_and
added theorem set.Inter_comm
added theorem set.Inter_congr_Prop
added theorem set.Inter_exists
added theorem set.Inter_false
deleted theorem set.Inter_neg
added theorem set.Inter_or
deleted theorem set.Inter_pos
added theorem set.Inter_true
added theorem set.Sup_eq_sUnion
modified def set.Union
added theorem set.Union_Union_eq'
added theorem set.Union_and
added theorem set.Union_comm
added theorem set.Union_congr_Prop
added theorem set.Union_exists
added theorem set.Union_false
deleted theorem set.Union_neg
modified theorem set.Union_of_singleton
added theorem set.Union_or
deleted theorem set.Union_pos
added theorem set.Union_true
added theorem set.bInter_and'
added theorem set.bInter_and
modified theorem set.bInter_image
modified theorem set.bInter_insert
modified theorem set.bInter_range
modified theorem set.bInter_singleton
added theorem set.bUnion_and'
added theorem set.bUnion_and
modified theorem set.bUnion_image
modified theorem set.bUnion_insert
modified theorem set.bUnion_range
modified theorem set.bUnion_singleton
modified theorem set.compl_Inter
modified theorem set.compl_Union
added theorem set.infi_eq_Inter
modified def set.sInter
added theorem set.supr_eq_Union