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Commit 2020-04-12 06:01 d84de804

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feat(set_theory/game): short games, boards, and domineering (#1540) This is a do-over of my previous attempt to implement the combinatorial game of domineering. This time, we get a nice clean definition, and it computes! To achieve this, I follow Reid's advice: generalise! We define

class state (S : Type u) :=
(turn_bound : S → ℕ)
(L : S → finset S)
(R : S → finset S)
(left_bound : ∀ {s t : S} (m : t ∈ L s), turn_bound t < turn_bound s)
(right_bound : ∀ {s t : S} (m : t ∈ R s), turn_bound t < turn_bound s)

a typeclass describing S as "the state of a game", and provide pgame.of [state S] : S \to pgame. This allows a short and straightforward definition of Domineering:

/-- A Domineering board is an arbitrary finite subset of `ℤ × ℤ`. -/
def board := finset (ℤ × ℤ)
/-- The instance describing allowed moves on a Domineering board. -/
instance state : state board :=
{ turn_bound := λ s, s.card / 2,
  L := λ s, (left s).image (move_left s),
  R := λ s, (right s).image (move_right s),
  left_bound := _
  right_bound := _, }

which computes:

example : (domineering ([(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)].to_finset) ≈ pgame.of_lists [1] [-1]) := dec_trivial

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