Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-01-16 05:29 d84dfb17

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feat(data/real): completeness of the (new) real numbers

Estimated changes

added theorem inv_le
deleted theorem inv_le_inv'
modified theorem inv_le_inv
added theorem inv_le_inv_of_le
added theorem inv_lt
added theorem le_inv
added theorem lt_inv
modified theorem le_neg_add_iff_add_le
added theorem le_sub
modified theorem le_sub_right_iff_add_le
modified theorem lt_sub_right_iff_add_lt
modified theorem sub_right_le_iff_le_add
modified theorem sub_right_lt_iff_lt_add
added theorem NEW.real.Inf_le
added theorem NEW.real.Sup_le
added theorem NEW.real.Sup_le_ub
added theorem NEW.real.ceil_add_int
added theorem NEW.real.ceil_coe
added theorem NEW.real.ceil_le
added theorem NEW.real.ceil_mono
added theorem NEW.real.ceil_sub_int
added theorem NEW.real.exists_floor
added theorem NEW.real.exists_sup
added theorem NEW.real.floor_add_int
added theorem NEW.real.floor_coe
added theorem NEW.real.floor_le
added theorem NEW.real.floor_lt
added theorem NEW.real.floor_mono
added theorem NEW.real.floor_sub_int
added theorem NEW.real.lb_le_Inf
added theorem NEW.real.le_Inf
added theorem NEW.real.le_Sup
added theorem NEW.real.le_ceil
added theorem NEW.real.le_floor
added theorem NEW.real.lt_ceil
added theorem NEW.real.lt_succ_floor