Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-07-18 14:10 d9daeff0

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refactor(data/polynomial): move polynomials to data; replace monomial by C a * X^n

Estimated changes

added theorem finsupp.mul_sum
added theorem finsupp.sum_mul
modified def polynomial.C
modified theorem polynomial.C_0
deleted theorem polynomial.C_mul_monomial
modified def polynomial.X
modified theorem polynomial.X_apply_one
added theorem polynomial.X_pow_apply
modified theorem polynomial.add_apply
modified theorem polynomial.degree_C
added theorem polynomial.degree_C_le
modified theorem polynomial.degree_X
modified theorem polynomial.degree_monomial
modified theorem polynomial.degree_pow_eq
modified def polynomial.div
deleted theorem polynomial.eval_monomial
added theorem polynomial.eval_one
deleted theorem polynomial.induction_on
modified theorem polynomial.leading_coeff_X
deleted def polynomial.monomial
deleted theorem polynomial.monomial_apply
deleted theorem polynomial.monomial_eq
modified def polynomial.nat_degree
modified theorem polynomial.ne_zero_of_monic
modified theorem polynomial.root_X_sub_C
modified theorem with_bot.coe_add