Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-06-30 05:20 da481e77

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chore(data/polynomial): partial move from is_ring_hom to ring_hom (#3213) This does not attempt to do a complete refactor of polynomial.lean and mv_polynomial.lean to remove use of is_ring_hom, but only to fix eval₂ which we need for the current work on Cayley-Hamilton. Having struggled with these two files for the last few days, I'm keen to get them cleaned up, so I'll promise to return to this more thoroughly in a later PR.

Estimated changes

modified def polynomial.eval
modified theorem polynomial.eval₂_comp
modified theorem polynomial.eval₂_hom
modified theorem polynomial.eval₂_map
modified theorem polynomial.eval₂_neg
modified theorem polynomial.eval₂_pow
modified theorem polynomial.eval₂_sub
modified theorem polynomial.hom_eval₂
modified def