Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-02-05 06:25 dd8da516

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refactor(*): migrate from ≠ ∅ to set.nonempty (#1954)

  • refactor(*): migrate from ≠ ∅ to set.nonempty Sorry for a huge PR but it's easier to do it in one go. Basically, I got rid of all ≠ ∅ in theorem/def types, then fixed compile. I also removed most lemmas about ≠ ∅ from set/basic to make sure that I didn't miss something I should change elsewhere. Should I restore (some of) them?
  • Fix compile of archive/
  • Drop +1 unneeded argument, thanks @sgouezel.

Estimated changes

added theorem set.empty_not_nonempty
modified theorem set.fst_image_prod
deleted theorem set.insert_ne_empty
modified theorem set.ne_empty_iff_nonempty
deleted theorem set.ne_empty_of_mem
modified theorem set.nmem_singleton_empty
modified theorem set.nonempty_compl
deleted theorem set.prod_ne_empty_iff
modified theorem set.range_eq_empty
deleted theorem set.range_ne_empty
added theorem set.range_nonempty
deleted theorem set.singleton_ne_empty
modified theorem set.snd_image_prod
deleted theorem set.subset_ne_empty
deleted theorem set.univ_ne_empty
modified theorem set.univ_nonempty
modified theorem lattice.cInf_insert
modified theorem lattice.cInf_intro
modified theorem lattice.cInf_le_cInf
modified theorem lattice.cInf_le_cSup
modified theorem lattice.cInf_union
modified theorem lattice.cSup_insert
modified theorem lattice.cSup_inter_le
modified theorem lattice.cSup_intro'
modified theorem lattice.cSup_intro
modified theorem lattice.cSup_le
modified theorem lattice.cSup_le_cSup
modified theorem lattice.cSup_le_iff
modified theorem lattice.cSup_union
modified theorem lattice.cinfi_const
modified theorem lattice.cinfi_le
modified theorem lattice.cinfi_le_cinfi
modified theorem lattice.csupr_const
modified theorem lattice.csupr_le
modified theorem lattice.csupr_le_csupr
modified theorem lattice.is_glb_cInf
modified theorem lattice.is_lub_cSup
modified theorem lattice.le_cInf
modified theorem lattice.le_cInf_iff
modified theorem lattice.le_cInf_inter
modified theorem lattice.le_cinfi
modified theorem lattice.le_csupr
modified theorem with_top.coe_Inf