Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2017-07-23 15:16 deb16814

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refactor(*): import content from lean/library/data and library_dev

Estimated changes

added def gpow
added theorem gpow_add
added theorem gpow_comm
added theorem inv_pow
added def monoid.pow
added theorem mul_pow
added theorem one_pow
added theorem pow_add
added theorem pow_comm
added theorem pow_ge_one_of_ge_one
added def pow_int
added theorem pow_inv_comm
added theorem pow_mul
added def pow_nat
added theorem pow_one
added theorem pow_pos
added theorem pow_sub
added theorem pow_succ'
added theorem pow_succ
added theorem pow_zero
added theorem lattice.bot_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.bot_le
added theorem lattice.bot_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.bot_unique
added theorem lattice.eq_bot_iff
added theorem lattice.eq_top_iff
added theorem lattice.inf_assoc
added theorem lattice.inf_bot_eq
added theorem lattice.inf_comm
added theorem lattice.inf_eq_top_iff
added theorem lattice.inf_idem
added theorem lattice.inf_le_inf
added theorem lattice.inf_le_left
added theorem lattice.inf_le_right
added theorem lattice.inf_of_le_left
added theorem lattice.inf_sup_self
added theorem lattice.inf_top_eq
added theorem lattice.le_inf
added theorem lattice.le_inf_iff
added theorem lattice.le_inf_sup
added theorem lattice.le_of_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.le_of_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.le_sup_left
added theorem lattice.le_sup_right
added theorem lattice.le_top
added theorem lattice.sup_assoc
added theorem lattice.sup_bot_eq
added theorem lattice.sup_comm
added theorem lattice.sup_eq_bot_iff
added theorem lattice.sup_idem
added theorem lattice.sup_inf_le
added theorem lattice.sup_inf_self
added theorem lattice.sup_le
added theorem lattice.sup_le_iff
added theorem lattice.sup_le_sup
added theorem lattice.sup_of_le_left
added theorem lattice.sup_top_eq
added theorem lattice.top_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.top_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.top_unique
added theorem lattice.bot_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.bot_le
added theorem lattice.bot_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.bot_unique
added theorem lattice.eq_bot_iff
added theorem lattice.eq_top_iff
added def lattice.imp
added theorem lattice.inf_assoc
added theorem lattice.inf_bot_eq
added theorem lattice.inf_comm
added theorem lattice.inf_eq_top_iff
added theorem lattice.inf_idem
added theorem lattice.inf_le_inf
added theorem lattice.inf_le_left'
added theorem lattice.inf_le_left
added theorem lattice.inf_le_right'
added theorem lattice.inf_le_right
added theorem lattice.inf_of_le_left
added theorem lattice.inf_sup_self
added theorem lattice.inf_top_eq
added theorem lattice.le_bot_iff
added theorem lattice.le_inf
added theorem lattice.le_inf_iff
added theorem lattice.le_inf_sup
added theorem lattice.le_of_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.le_of_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.le_sup_left'
added theorem lattice.le_sup_left
added theorem lattice.le_sup_right'
added theorem lattice.le_sup_right
added theorem lattice.le_top
added theorem lattice.sup_assoc
added theorem lattice.sup_bot_eq
added theorem lattice.sup_comm
added theorem lattice.sup_eq_bot_iff
added theorem lattice.sup_idem
added theorem lattice.sup_inf_le
added theorem lattice.sup_inf_self
added theorem lattice.sup_le
added theorem lattice.sup_le_iff
added theorem lattice.sup_le_sup
added theorem lattice.sup_of_le_left
added theorem lattice.sup_top_eq
added theorem lattice.top_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.top_le_iff
added theorem lattice.top_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.top_unique
added theorem le_antisymm'
added theorem lattice.inf_neg_eq_bot
added theorem lattice.inf_sup_left
added theorem lattice.inf_sup_right
added theorem lattice.le_sup_inf
added theorem lattice.neg_bot
added theorem lattice.neg_eq_neg_iff
added theorem lattice.neg_inf
added theorem lattice.neg_inf_eq_bot
added theorem lattice.neg_le_neg
added theorem lattice.neg_neg
added theorem lattice.neg_sup
added theorem lattice.neg_sup_eq_top
added theorem lattice.neg_top
added theorem lattice.neg_unique
added theorem lattice.sub_eq
added theorem lattice.sub_eq_left
added theorem lattice.sup_inf_left
added theorem lattice.sup_inf_right
added theorem lattice.sup_neg_eq_top
added theorem lattice.sup_sub_same
added def lattice.Inf
added theorem lattice.Inf_empty
added theorem lattice.Inf_eq_infi
added theorem lattice.Inf_image
added theorem lattice.Inf_insert
added theorem lattice.Inf_le
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_Inf
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_Sup
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_iff
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_of_le
added theorem lattice.Inf_singleton
added theorem lattice.Inf_union
added theorem lattice.Inf_univ
added def lattice.Sup
added theorem lattice.Sup_empty
added theorem lattice.Sup_eq_supr
added theorem lattice.Sup_image
added theorem lattice.Sup_insert
added theorem lattice.Sup_inter_le
added theorem lattice.Sup_le
added theorem lattice.Sup_le_Sup
added theorem lattice.Sup_singleton
added theorem lattice.Sup_union
added theorem lattice.Sup_univ
added def lattice.infi
added theorem lattice.infi_and
added theorem lattice.infi_comm
added theorem lattice.infi_const
added theorem lattice.infi_empty
added theorem lattice.infi_emptyset
added theorem lattice.infi_exists
added theorem lattice.infi_false
added theorem lattice.infi_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.infi_insert
added theorem lattice.infi_le
added theorem lattice.infi_le_infi2
added theorem lattice.infi_le_infi
added theorem lattice.infi_le_of_le
added theorem lattice.infi_or
added theorem lattice.infi_prod
added theorem lattice.infi_sigma
added theorem lattice.infi_singleton
added theorem lattice.infi_subtype
added theorem lattice.infi_sum
added theorem lattice.infi_true
added theorem lattice.infi_union
added theorem lattice.infi_unit
added theorem lattice.infi_univ
added theorem lattice.le_Inf
added theorem lattice.le_Inf_inter
added theorem lattice.le_Sup
added theorem lattice.le_Sup_iff
added theorem lattice.le_Sup_of_le
added theorem lattice.le_infi
added theorem lattice.le_infi_iff
added theorem lattice.le_supr
added theorem lattice.le_supr_of_le
added def lattice.supr
added theorem lattice.supr_and
added theorem lattice.supr_comm
added theorem lattice.supr_const
added theorem lattice.supr_empty
added theorem lattice.supr_emptyset
added theorem lattice.supr_exists
added theorem lattice.supr_false
added theorem lattice.supr_insert
added theorem lattice.supr_le
added theorem lattice.supr_le_iff
added theorem lattice.supr_le_supr2
added theorem lattice.supr_le_supr
added theorem lattice.supr_or
added theorem lattice.supr_prod
added theorem lattice.supr_sigma
added theorem lattice.supr_singleton
added theorem lattice.supr_subtype
added theorem lattice.supr_sum
added theorem lattice.supr_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.supr_true
added theorem lattice.supr_union
added theorem lattice.supr_unit
added theorem lattice.supr_univ
added theorem set.subset_union_left
added theorem set.subset_union_right
added theorem insert_def
added theorem insert_eq_of_mem
added theorem insert_of_has_insert
added theorem inter_def
added theorem inter_left_comm
added def lattice.Inf
added theorem lattice.Inf_empty
added theorem lattice.Inf_eq_infi
added theorem lattice.Inf_image
added theorem lattice.Inf_insert
added theorem lattice.Inf_le
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_Inf
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_Sup
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_iff
added theorem lattice.Inf_le_of_le
added theorem lattice.Inf_singleton
added theorem lattice.Inf_union
added theorem lattice.Inf_univ
added def lattice.Sup
added theorem lattice.Sup_empty
added theorem lattice.Sup_eq_supr
added theorem lattice.Sup_image
added theorem lattice.Sup_insert
added theorem lattice.Sup_inter_le
added theorem lattice.Sup_le
added theorem lattice.Sup_le_Sup
added theorem lattice.Sup_singleton
added theorem lattice.Sup_union
added theorem lattice.Sup_univ
added theorem'
added theorem
added def lattice.infi
added theorem lattice.infi_and
added theorem lattice.infi_comm
added theorem lattice.infi_const
added theorem lattice.infi_empty
added theorem lattice.infi_emptyset
added theorem lattice.infi_exists
added theorem lattice.infi_false
added theorem lattice.infi_inf_eq
added theorem lattice.infi_insert
added theorem lattice.infi_le'
added theorem lattice.infi_le
added theorem lattice.infi_le_infi2
added theorem lattice.infi_le_infi
added theorem lattice.infi_le_of_le
added theorem lattice.infi_or
added theorem lattice.infi_prod
added theorem lattice.infi_sigma
added theorem lattice.infi_singleton
added theorem lattice.infi_subtype
added theorem lattice.infi_sum
added theorem lattice.infi_true
added theorem lattice.infi_union
added theorem lattice.infi_unit
added theorem lattice.infi_univ
added theorem lattice.le_Inf
added theorem lattice.le_Inf_inter
added theorem lattice.le_Sup
added theorem lattice.le_Sup_iff
added theorem lattice.le_Sup_of_le
added theorem lattice.le_infi
added theorem lattice.le_infi_iff
added theorem lattice.le_supr'
added theorem lattice.le_supr
added theorem lattice.le_supr_of_le
added def lattice.supr
added theorem lattice.supr_and
added theorem lattice.supr_comm
added theorem lattice.supr_const
added theorem lattice.supr_empty
added theorem lattice.supr_emptyset
added theorem lattice.supr_exists
added theorem lattice.supr_false
added theorem lattice.supr_insert
added theorem lattice.supr_le
added theorem lattice.supr_le_iff
added theorem lattice.supr_le_supr2
added theorem lattice.supr_le_supr
added theorem lattice.supr_or
added theorem lattice.supr_prod
added theorem lattice.supr_sigma
added theorem lattice.supr_singleton
added theorem lattice.supr_subtype
added theorem lattice.supr_sum
added theorem lattice.supr_sup_eq
added theorem lattice.supr_true
added theorem lattice.supr_union
added theorem lattice.supr_unit
added theorem lattice.supr_univ
added theorem mem_insert_iff
added theorem mem_inter_eq
added theorem mem_set_of
added theorem mem_set_of_eq
added theorem mem_singleton
added theorem mem_singleton_iff
added theorem mem_union_eq
added theorem mem_univ_eq
added theorem nmem_set_of_eq
added theorem set_eq_def
added theorem set_of_false
added theorem singleton_def
added theorem subset_def
added theorem subset_insert
added theorem subset_univ
added theorem union_def
added theorem union_left_comm
added theorem Union_subset_Union2
added theorem Union_subset_Union
added theorem bind_assoc
added theorem compl_image_set_of
added theorem diff_empty
added theorem diff_neq_empty
added def directed
added theorem directed_of_chain
added def directed_on
added theorem directed_on_Union
added theorem eq_of_sup_eq_inf_eq
added theorem filter.Inter_mem_sets
added def filter.at_bot
added def filter.at_top
added theorem filter.bind_def
added theorem filter.bind_mono2
added theorem filter.bind_mono
added theorem filter.bind_sup
added theorem filter.binfi_sup_eq
added def filter.cofinite
added theorem filter.filter_eq
added theorem filter.fmap_principal
added theorem filter.image_mem_map
added theorem filter.inf_principal
added theorem filter.infi_sets_eq'
added theorem filter.infi_sets_eq
added theorem filter.infi_sup_eq
added theorem filter.inter_mem_sets
added def filter.join
added theorem filter.le_lift'
added theorem filter.le_map_vmap
added theorem filter.le_vmap_map
added theorem filter.lift'_cong
added theorem filter.lift'_id
added theorem filter.lift'_infi
added theorem filter.lift'_mono'
added theorem filter.lift'_mono
added theorem filter.lift'_principal
added theorem filter.lift_assoc
added theorem filter.lift_comm
added theorem filter.lift_infi'
added theorem filter.lift_infi
added theorem filter.lift_mono'
added theorem filter.lift_mono
added theorem filter.lift_principal
added theorem filter.lift_sets_eq
added def
added theorem filter.map_binfi_eq
added theorem filter.map_bot
added theorem filter.map_compose
added theorem filter.map_eq_bot_iff
added theorem filter.map_id
added theorem filter.map_infi_eq
added theorem filter.map_infi_le
added theorem filter.map_lift'_eq2
added theorem filter.map_lift'_eq
added theorem filter.map_lift_eq2
added theorem filter.map_lift_eq
added theorem filter.map_mono
added theorem filter.map_principal
added theorem filter.map_sup
added theorem filter.map_vmap_le
added theorem filter.mem_bind_sets
added theorem filter.mem_bot_sets
added theorem filter.mem_inf_sets
added theorem filter.mem_infi_sets
added theorem filter.mem_join_sets
added theorem filter.mem_lift'
added theorem filter.mem_lift'_iff
added theorem filter.mem_lift
added theorem filter.mem_lift_iff
added theorem filter.mem_map
added theorem filter.mem_prod_iff
added theorem filter.mem_pure
added theorem filter.mem_return_sets
added theorem filter.mem_sup_sets
added theorem filter.mem_vmap_of_mem
added theorem filter.monotone_lift'
added theorem filter.monotone_lift
added theorem filter.monotone_map
added theorem filter.monotone_vmap
added def filter.principal
added theorem filter.principal_bind
added theorem filter.principal_empty
added theorem filter.principal_mono
added theorem filter.principal_univ
added theorem filter.prod_comm
added theorem filter.prod_inf_prod
added theorem filter.prod_lift_lift
added theorem filter.prod_map_map_eq
added theorem filter.prod_mem_prod
added theorem filter.prod_mono
added theorem filter.prod_neq_bot
added theorem filter.prod_same_eq
added theorem filter.pure_def
added theorem filter.return_neq_bot
added theorem filter.seq_mono
added theorem filter.sup_join
added theorem filter.sup_principal
added theorem filter.supr_join
added theorem filter.supr_map
added theorem filter.supr_principal
added theorem filter.supr_sets_eq
added def filter.towards
added theorem filter.ultrafilter_map
added theorem filter.univ_mem_sets'
added theorem filter.univ_mem_sets
added theorem filter.vimage_mem_vmap
added def filter.vmap
added theorem filter.vmap_eq_lift'
added theorem filter.vmap_lift'_eq2
added theorem filter.vmap_lift'_eq
added theorem filter.vmap_lift_eq2
added theorem filter.vmap_lift_eq
added theorem filter.vmap_map
added theorem filter.vmap_mono
added theorem filter.vmap_neq_bot
added theorem filter.vmap_principal
added theorem filter.vmap_vmap_comp
added structure filter
added theorem lattice.Sup_le_iff
added theorem map_bind
added theorem not_not_mem_iff
added theorem prod.fst_swap
added theorem
added theorem prod.snd_swap
added def prod.swap
added theorem prod.swap_prod_mk
added theorem prod.swap_swap
added theorem prod.swap_swap_eq
added theorem pure_seq_eq_map
added theorem sUnion_eq_Union
added theorem sUnion_mono
added theorem seq_bind_eq
added theorem seq_eq_bind_map
added theorem set.bind_def
added theorem set.fmap_eq_image
added theorem set.image_swap_prod
added theorem set.mem_prod_eq
added theorem set.mem_seq_iff
added theorem set.monotone_inter
added theorem set.monotone_prod
added theorem set.monotone_set_of
added theorem set.prod_inter_prod
added theorem set.prod_mono
added theorem set.prod_neq_empty_iff
added theorem set.prod_vimage_eq
added theorem set.set_of_mem_eq
added theorem set.vimage_set_of_eq
added theorem singleton_neq_emptyset
added def upwards
added theorem ge_of_eq
added def lattice.gfp
added theorem lattice.gfp_comp
added theorem lattice.gfp_eq
added theorem lattice.gfp_gfp
added theorem lattice.gfp_induct
added theorem lattice.gfp_le
added theorem lattice.le_gfp
added theorem lattice.le_lfp
added def lattice.lfp
added theorem lattice.lfp_comp
added theorem lattice.lfp_eq
added theorem lattice.lfp_induct
added theorem lattice.lfp_le
added theorem lattice.lfp_lfp
added theorem lattice.monotone_gfp
added theorem lattice.monotone_lfp
added theorem le_dual_eq_le
added theorem le_max_left_iff_true
added theorem le_max_right_iff_true
added theorem max.left_comm
added theorem max.right_comm
added theorem min_right_comm
added def monotone
added theorem monotone_app
added theorem monotone_comp
added theorem monotone_const
added theorem monotone_id
added theorem monotone_lam
added def weak_order_dual
added def bitvec.adc
added def bitvec.add_lsb
added def bitvec.and
added def bitvec.append
added def bitvec.fill_shr
added def bitvec.not
added theorem bitvec.of_nat_succ
added def bitvec.or
added def bitvec.sbb
added def bitvec.sborrow
added def bitvec.sge
added def bitvec.sgt
added def bitvec.shl
added def bitvec.sle
added def bitvec.slt
added def bitvec.sshr
added theorem bitvec.to_nat_append
added theorem bitvec.to_nat_of_nat
added def bitvec.uborrow
added def bitvec.uge
added def bitvec.ugt
added def bitvec.ule
added def bitvec.ult
added def bitvec.ushr
added def bitvec.xor
added def bitvec
added theorem bool.band_assoc
added theorem bool.band_comm
added theorem bool.band_elim_left
added theorem bool.band_elim_right
added theorem bool.band_eq_ff
added theorem bool.band_eq_tt
added theorem bool.band_ff
added theorem bool.band_intro
added theorem bool.band_left_comm
added theorem bool.band_self
added theorem bool.band_tt
added theorem bool.bnot_bnot
added theorem bool.bnot_false
added theorem bool.bnot_true
added theorem bool.bor_assoc
added theorem bool.bor_comm
added theorem bool.bor_eq_ff
added theorem bool.bor_eq_tt
added theorem bool.bor_ff
added theorem bool.bor_inl
added theorem bool.bor_inr
added theorem bool.bor_left_comm
added theorem bool.bor_tt
added def bool.bxor
added theorem bool.bxor_assoc
added theorem bool.bxor_comm
added theorem bool.bxor_ff
added theorem bool.bxor_left_comm
added theorem bool.bxor_self
added theorem bool.bxor_tt
added theorem bool.coe_tt
added theorem bool.cond_ff
added theorem bool.cond_tt
added theorem bool.dichotomy
added theorem bool.eq_ff_of_ne_tt
added theorem bool.eq_tt_of_ne_ff
added theorem bool.ff_band
added theorem bool.ff_bor
added theorem bool.ff_bxor
added theorem bool.ff_bxor_ff
added theorem bool.ff_bxor_tt
added theorem bool.or_of_bor_eq
added theorem bool.tt_band
added theorem bool.tt_bor
added theorem bool.tt_bxor
added theorem bool.tt_bxor_ff
added theorem bool.tt_bxor_tt
added theorem bucket_array.foldl_eq
added def bucket_array
added theorem hash_map.contains_iff
added def hash_map.entries
added theorem hash_map.entries_empty
added def hash_map.erase
added def hash_map.find
added theorem hash_map.find_aux_iff
added theorem hash_map.find_empty
added theorem hash_map.find_erase
added theorem hash_map.find_erase_eq
added theorem hash_map.find_erase_ne
added theorem hash_map.find_iff
added theorem hash_map.find_insert
added def hash_map.fold
added def hash_map.insert
added theorem hash_map.insert_lemma
added def hash_map.keys
added theorem hash_map.keys_empty
added theorem hash_map.mem_erase
added theorem hash_map.mem_insert
added theorem hash_map.mk_as_list
added def hash_map.mk_idx
added def hash_map.of_list
added theorem hash_map.valid.eq'
added theorem hash_map.valid.eq
added theorem hash_map.valid.erase
added theorem hash_map.valid.insert
added theorem
added theorem hash_map.valid.modify
added theorem hash_map.valid.nodup
added theorem hash_map.valid.replace
added def hash_map.valid
added theorem hash_map.valid_aux.eq
added inductive hash_map.valid_aux
added structure hash_map
added def mk_hash_map
added theorem int.neg_add_neg
added theorem neg_nat_succ
added theorem neg_pred
added theorem neg_succ
added theorem neg_succ_of_nat_eq'
added theorem of_nat_sub
added def pred
added theorem pred_nat_succ
added theorem pred_neg_pred
added theorem pred_succ
added def rec_nat_on
added theorem rec_nat_on_neg
added def succ
added theorem succ_neg_nat_succ
added theorem succ_neg_succ
added theorem succ_pred
added def lazy_list.append
added def lazy_list.approx
added def lazy_list.filter
added def lazy_list.for
added def lazy_list.head
added def lazy_list.join
added def
added def lazy_list.map₂
added def lazy_list.nth
added def lazy_list.tail
added def
added inductive lazy_list
added theorem list.append.assoc
added theorem list.append_concat
added theorem list.concat_append
added theorem list.concat_cons
added theorem list.concat_ne_nil
added theorem list.concat_nil
added theorem list.cons_inj
added theorem list.cons_ne_nil
added def list.count
added theorem list.count_append
added theorem list.count_concat
added theorem list.count_cons'
added theorem list.count_cons
added theorem list.count_cons_of_ne
added theorem list.count_cons_self
added theorem list.count_nil
added theorem list.count_pos_of_mem
added theorem list.count_singleton
added theorem list.head_cons
added theorem list.index_of_cons
added theorem list.index_of_nil
added theorem list.index_of_nth
added def list.inth
added theorem list.inth_succ
added theorem list.inth_zero
added def list.ith
added theorem list.ith_succ
added theorem list.ith_zero
added theorem list.last_congr
added theorem list.last_cons_cons
added theorem list.last_singleton
added theorem list.length_taken_le
added theorem list.mem_iff_count_pos
added theorem list.mem_of_count_pos
added theorem list.nth_eq_some
added theorem list.tail_cons
added theorem list.tail_nil
added theorem list.taken_all
added theorem list.taken_all_of_ge
added theorem list.taken_cons
added theorem list.taken_nil
added theorem list.taken_zero
added theorem list.all_cons
added theorem list.all_eq_tt_iff
added theorem list.all_nil
added theorem list.any_cons
added theorem list.any_eq_tt_iff
added theorem list.any_nil
added theorem list.any_of_mem
added def list.dinj
added def list.dinj₁
added def list.dmap
added theorem list.dmap_cons_of_neg
added theorem list.dmap_cons_of_pos
added theorem list.dmap_nil
added def list.flat
added theorem list.foldl_append
added theorem list.foldl_cons
added theorem list.foldl_eq_foldr
added theorem list.foldl_nil
added theorem list.foldl_reverse
added theorem list.foldr_append
added theorem list.foldr_cons
added theorem list.foldr_nil
added theorem list.foldr_reverse
added theorem list.forall_mem_cons
added theorem list.forall_mem_nil
added theorem list.length_mapAccumR
added theorem list.length_map_accumr
added theorem list.length_product
added theorem list.length_replicate
added def list.mapAccumR
added def list.map_accumr
added theorem list.map₂_nil1
added theorem list.map₂_nil2
added theorem list.mem_dmap
added theorem list.mem_product
added theorem list.nil_product
added def list.product
added theorem list.product_cons
added theorem list.product_nil
added def list.replicate
added theorem list.unzip_cons'
added theorem list.unzip_cons
added theorem list.unzip_nil
added theorem list.zip_cons_cons
added theorem list.zip_nil_left
added theorem list.zip_nil_right
added theorem list.zip_unzip
added theorem list.perm.eqv
added theorem list.perm.mem_of_perm
added theorem list.perm.perm_app
added theorem list.perm.perm_app_inv
added theorem list.perm.perm_erase
added theorem list.perm.perm_ext
added theorem list.perm.perm_filter
added theorem list.perm.perm_insert
added theorem list.perm.perm_inter
added theorem list.perm.perm_map
added theorem list.perm.perm_middle
added theorem list.perm.perm_of_qeq
added theorem list.perm.perm_product
added theorem list.perm.perm_rev
added theorem list.perm.perm_union
added inductive list.perm.qeq
added theorem list.perm.qeq_app
added theorem list.perm.qeq_of_mem
added theorem list.perm.qeq_split
added theorem list.perm.xswap
added inductive list.perm
added theorem list.disjoint.comm
added def list.disjoint
added theorem list.disjoint_left
added theorem list.disjoint_nil_left
added theorem list.disjoint_right
added theorem list.erase_append_left
added theorem list.erase_cons
added theorem list.erase_cons_head
added theorem list.erase_cons_tail
added def list.erase_dup
added theorem list.erase_dup_nil
added theorem list.erase_dup_sublist
added theorem list.erase_dup_subset
added theorem list.erase_nil
added theorem list.erase_of_not_mem
added theorem list.erase_sublist
added theorem list.erase_subset
added theorem list.forall_mem_union
added theorem list.insert.def
added theorem list.insert_nil
added theorem list.insert_of_mem
added theorem list.insert_of_not_mem
added theorem list.inter_cons_of_mem
added theorem list.inter_nil
added theorem list.length_upto
added theorem list.lt_of_mem_upto
added theorem list.mem_erase_dup
added theorem list.mem_erase_dup_iff
added theorem list.mem_insert_iff
added theorem list.mem_insert_of_mem
added theorem list.mem_insert_self
added theorem list.mem_inter_iff
added theorem list.mem_of_mem_erase
added theorem list.mem_union_iff
added theorem list.mem_union_left
added theorem list.mem_union_right
added theorem list.mem_upto_of_lt
added inductive list.nodup
added theorem list.nodup_app_comm
added theorem list.nodup_concat
added theorem list.nodup_cons
added theorem list.nodup_erase_dup
added theorem list.nodup_filter
added theorem list.nodup_head
added theorem list.nodup_insert
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added theorem list.nodup_middle
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added theorem nat.add_pos_right
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added theorem nat.addl_succ_right
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added theorem nat.addl_zero_right
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added theorem ball_succ_of_ball
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added theorem nat.comprime_one_right
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added theorem nat.coprime_mul_right
added theorem nat.coprime_of_dvd'
added theorem nat.coprime_of_dvd
added theorem nat.coprime_pow
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added theorem nat.coprime_pow_right
added theorem nat.coprime_swap
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added theorem nat.dvd_lcm_left
added theorem nat.dvd_lcm_right
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added theorem nat.gcd_dvd_right
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added theorem nat.gcd_mul_left
added theorem nat.gcd_mul_right
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added theorem nat.lcm_one_right
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added theorem nat.lcm_zero_right
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added theorem nat.dist_add_add_right
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added theorem nat.dist_mul_right
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added theorem nat.dist_zero_right
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added def snum.bit1
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added def snum.czadd
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added def
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added theorem num.bit_to_nat
added theorem num.bitwise_to_nat
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added theorem num.cmp_swap
added theorem num.land_to_nat
added theorem num.ldiff_to_nat
added theorem num.le_iff_cmp
added theorem num.lor_to_nat
added theorem num.lt_iff_cmp
added theorem num.lxor_to_nat
added theorem num.mul_to_nat
added theorem num.of_nat_inj
added theorem num.of_to_nat
added theorem num.one_to_nat
added theorem num.pred_to_nat
added theorem num.shiftl_to_nat
added theorem num.shiftr_to_nat
added theorem num.succ'_to_nat
added theorem num.succ_to_nat
added theorem num.test_bit_to_nat
added theorem num.to_nat_inj
added theorem num.to_of_nat
added theorem num.zero_add
added theorem num.zero_to_nat
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added theorem pos_num.add_succ
added theorem pos_num.add_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.bit0_of_bit0
added theorem pos_num.bit1_of_bit1
added theorem pos_num.bit_to_nat
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added theorem pos_num.cmp_dec_lemma
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added theorem pos_num.le_iff_cmp
added theorem pos_num.lt_iff_cmp
added theorem pos_num.mul_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.of_to_nat
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added theorem pos_num.one_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.pred'_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.pred_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.succ_to_nat
added theorem pos_num.to_nat_inj
added theorem pos_num.to_nat_pos
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added theorem pnat.to_pnat'_val
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added theorem computation.bind_ret
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added theorem computation.get_thinkN
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added theorem computation.map_ret
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added theorem seq.destruct_nil
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added theorem seq.join_cons_cons
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added theorem not_of_not_implies
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added theorem not_or_not_of_not_and'
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added theorem not_or_of_not_and_not
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added theorem or_resolve_right
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added theorem prod.forall
added theorem
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added theorem {u}
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added theorem Class.mem_hom_left
added theorem Class.mem_hom_right
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added theorem Set.mem_singleton'
added theorem Set.mem_singleton
added theorem Set.mem_union
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added def pSet.equiv.symm
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added def pSet.powerset
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added theorem set.mem_union_right
added theorem set.mem_unionl
added theorem set.mem_unionr
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added theorem auto.not_or_eq
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added theorem {u}
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added theorem Sup_image
added theorem mem_image
added theorem {u
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added theorem {u}
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added theorem continuous_inf_dom
added theorem continuous_infi_dom
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added theorem supr_eq_generate_from
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