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Commit 2017-09-22 12:31 e0abdabe

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feat(topology/topological_space): add countablility and separability axioms for topological spaces

Estimated changes

added theorem bind_def
added def disjoint
added theorem disjoint_bot_left
added theorem disjoint_bot_right
added theorem disjoint_symm
added theorem fmap_eq_image
added theorem image_Union
added theorem mem_seq_iff
added theorem monotone_preimage
added theorem preimage_Union
added theorem preimage_sUnion
added theorem set.Inter_neg
added theorem set.Inter_pos
added theorem set.Inter_univ
added theorem set.Union_empty
added theorem set.Union_neg
added theorem set.Union_pos
deleted theorem set.bind_def
deleted def set.disjoint
deleted theorem set.disjoint_bot_left
deleted theorem set.disjoint_bot_right
deleted theorem set.disjoint_symm
deleted theorem set.fmap_eq_image
deleted theorem set.image_Union
deleted theorem set.mem_seq_iff
deleted theorem set.monotone_preimage
deleted theorem set.preimage_Union
deleted theorem set.preimage_sUnion
added theorem set.sdiff_empty
added theorem set.sdiff_eq:
added theorem set.union_sdiff_left
added theorem set.union_sdiff_right
deleted theorem set.univ_subtype
added theorem univ_subtype
deleted theorem Inter_neg
deleted theorem Inter_pos
deleted theorem Inter_univ
deleted theorem Union_empty
deleted theorem Union_neg
deleted theorem Union_pos
deleted theorem sdiff_empty
deleted theorem sdiff_eq:
deleted theorem union_sdiff_left
deleted theorem union_sdiff_right
deleted theorem infi_neg
deleted theorem infi_pos
deleted theorem supr_neg
deleted theorem supr_pos