Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-04-21 23:36 e728cfd4

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feat(order/grade): Graded orders (#11308) Define graded orders. To be the most general, we use is_min/is_max rather than order_bot/order_top. A grade is a function that respects the covering relation and eventually minimality/maximality.

Estimated changes

added def grade
added theorem grade_bot
added theorem grade_covby_grade_iff
added theorem grade_eq_grade_iff
added theorem grade_injective
added theorem grade_le_grade_iff
added theorem grade_lt_grade_iff
added theorem grade_mono
added theorem grade_ne_grade_iff
added theorem grade_of_dual
added theorem grade_self
added theorem grade_strict_mono
added theorem grade_to_dual
added theorem grade_top
added theorem is_max_grade_iff
added theorem is_min_grade_iff