Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-06-11 21:18 eb9bd55f

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feat(linear_algebra/quadratic_form): Real version of Sylvester's law of inertia (#7427) We prove that every nondegenerate real quadratic form is equivalent to a weighted sum of squares with the weights being ±1.

Estimated changes

added theorem real.inv_sign
added def real.sign
added theorem real.sign_apply_eq
added theorem real.sign_inv
added theorem real.sign_mul_nonneg
added theorem real.sign_neg
added theorem real.sign_of_neg
added theorem real.sign_of_not_neg
added theorem real.sign_of_zero_le
added theorem real.sign_one
added theorem real.sign_zero