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Commit 2022-02-22 15:16 f0401b91

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chore(ring_theory): split localization.lean and dedekind_domain.lean (#12206) These files were rather long and had hundreds-deep dependency graphs. I split them into smaller files with less imports, so that they are easier to build and modify. Proof nothing was lost:

$ cat src/ring_theory/localization/*.lean | sort | comm -23 <(sort src/ring_theory/localization.lean) - | grep -E 'lemma|theorem|def|instance|class'
$ cat src/ring_theory/dedekind_domain/*.lean | sort | comm -23 <(sort src/ring_theory/dedekind_domain.lean) - | grep -E 'lemma|theorem|def|instance|class'
giving three equivalent definitions (TODO: and shows that they are equivalent).

Zulip thread:

Estimated changes

deleted theorem algebra_map_mk'
deleted theorem fraction_ring.mk_eq_div
deleted def fraction_ring
deleted def ideal.prime_compl
deleted theorem is_fraction_ring.lift_mk'
deleted def is_fraction_ring
deleted theorem is_integral_localization'
deleted theorem is_integral_localization
deleted theorem is_localization.eq_iff_eq
deleted theorem is_localization.eq_of_eq
deleted theorem is_localization.lift_comp
deleted theorem is_localization.lift_eq
deleted theorem is_localization.lift_id
deleted theorem is_localization.lift_mk'
deleted theorem is_localization.map_comap
deleted theorem is_localization.map_comp
deleted theorem is_localization.map_eq
deleted theorem is_localization.map_id
deleted theorem is_localization.map_map
deleted theorem is_localization.map_mk'
deleted theorem is_localization.map_smul
deleted theorem'_add
deleted theorem'_mul
deleted theorem'_one
deleted theorem'_sec
deleted theorem'_self'
deleted theorem'_self
deleted theorem'_spec'
deleted theorem'_spec
deleted theorem is_localization.of_le
deleted theorem is_localization.sec_spec'
deleted theorem is_localization.sec_spec
deleted theorem is_localization.surj'
deleted theorem localization.add_mk
deleted theorem localization.add_mk_self
deleted theorem localization.alg_equiv_mk
deleted theorem localization.lift_on_zero
deleted theorem localization.mk_eq_mk'
deleted theorem localization.mk_zero
deleted theorem localization.neg_mk
added theorem algebra_map_mk'
added theorem is_localization.map_eq
added theorem is_localization.map_id
added theorem is_localization.of_le
added theorem localization.add_mk
added theorem localization.mk_eq_mk'
added theorem localization.mk_zero
added theorem localization.neg_mk