Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-12-11 19:31 f068b9de

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refactor(algebra/group/basic): Migrate add_comm_group section into comm_group section (#10565) Currently mathlib has a rich set of lemmas connecting the addition, subtraction and negation additive commutative group operations, but a far thinner collection of results for multiplication, division and inverse multiplicative commutative group operations, despite the fact that the former can be generated easily from the latter via to_additive. This PR refactors the additive results in the add_comm_group section as the equivalent multiplicative results in the comm_group section and then recovers the additive results via to_additive. There is a complication in that unfortunately the multiplicative forms of the names of some of the add_comm_group lemmas collide with existing names in group_with_zero. I have worked around this by appending an apostrophe to the name and then manually overriding the names generated by to_additive. In a few cases, names with 1...n appended apostrophes already existed. In these cases I have appended n+1 apostrophes. Previous discussion The add_group section was previously tackled in #10532.

Estimated changes

deleted theorem add_add_neg_cancel'_right
deleted theorem add_add_sub_cancel
deleted theorem add_eq_of_eq_sub'
deleted theorem add_sub_add_left_eq_sub
deleted theorem add_sub_cancel'
deleted theorem add_sub_cancel'_right
deleted theorem add_sub_comm
deleted theorem add_sub_sub_cancel
added theorem div_div
added theorem div_div_cancel
added theorem div_div_cancel_left
added theorem div_div_self'
added theorem div_eq_div_mul_div
added theorem div_eq_iff_eq_mul'
added theorem div_eq_inv_mul'
added theorem div_mul
added theorem div_mul_cancel''
added theorem div_mul_div_cancel''
added theorem div_mul_eq_div_div
added theorem div_mul_eq_mul_div'
added theorem div_mul_mul_cancel
added theorem div_right_comm'
deleted theorem eq_add_of_sub_eq'
added theorem eq_div_iff_mul_eq''
added theorem eq_div_of_mul_eq''
added theorem eq_mul_of_div_eq'
deleted theorem eq_sub_iff_add_eq'
deleted theorem eq_sub_of_add_eq'
added theorem inv_div_inv
added theorem inv_inv_div_inv
added theorem inv_mul'
added theorem inv_mul_eq_div
added theorem mul_div_cancel'''
added theorem mul_div_cancel'_right
added theorem mul_div_comm'
added theorem mul_div_div_cancel
added theorem mul_eq_of_eq_div'
added theorem mul_mul_div_cancel
deleted theorem neg_add'
deleted theorem neg_add_eq_sub
deleted theorem neg_neg_sub_neg
deleted theorem neg_sub_neg
deleted theorem sub_add
deleted theorem sub_add_add_cancel
deleted theorem sub_add_cancel'
deleted theorem sub_add_eq_add_sub
deleted theorem sub_add_eq_sub_sub
deleted theorem sub_add_sub_cancel'
deleted theorem sub_eq_iff_eq_add'
deleted theorem sub_eq_neg_add
deleted theorem sub_eq_sub_add_sub
deleted theorem sub_eq_sub_iff_add_eq_add
deleted theorem sub_eq_sub_iff_sub_eq_sub
deleted theorem sub_right_comm
deleted theorem sub_sub
deleted theorem sub_sub_cancel
deleted theorem sub_sub_cancel_left
deleted theorem sub_sub_self
deleted theorem sub_sub_sub_cancel_left