Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2022-08-12 09:58 f1944b30

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refactor(*): Extend ×ˢ notation (#15717) Delete has_set_prod in favor of a direct notation declaration. Overload that notation with the list, finset, multiset versions. Use the new notation and remove type ascriptions to the existing uses where possible (because Lean gets more information from the notation now).

Estimated changes

modified theorem finset.div_def
modified theorem finset.image_div_prod
modified theorem finset.image_mul_product
modified theorem finset.image_smul_product
modified theorem finset.mul_def
modified theorem finset.smul_def
modified theorem finset.card_product
modified def finset.diag
modified theorem finset.diag_union_off_diag
modified theorem finset.empty_product
modified theorem finset.mem_product
modified theorem finset.mk_mem_product
modified theorem finset.nonempty.fst
modified theorem finset.nonempty.product
modified theorem finset.nonempty.snd
modified theorem finset.nonempty_product
modified def finset.off_diag
modified theorem finset.product_empty
modified theorem finset.product_eq_empty
modified theorem finset.product_sdiff_diag
modified theorem finset.product_val
modified theorem set.nonempty.fst
modified theorem
modified theorem set.nonempty.snd
added def
modified theorem set.prod_nonempty_iff