Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2019-01-02 08:57 f59f5d55

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feat(data/real/ennreal): minor additions to ennreal (#558)

Estimated changes

added theorem ennreal.add_lt_top
added theorem ennreal.bit0_inj
added theorem ennreal.bit1_inj
added theorem ennreal.bit1_ne_zero
added theorem ennreal.coe_bit0
added theorem ennreal.coe_bit1
modified theorem ennreal.coe_div
added theorem ennreal.coe_inv
modified theorem ennreal.div_le_iff_le_mul
modified theorem ennreal.div_pos_iff
added theorem ennreal.div_zero_iff
added theorem ennreal.half_lt_self
added theorem ennreal.half_pos
deleted theorem ennreal.inv_coe
modified theorem ennreal.inv_eq_top
modified theorem ennreal.inv_eq_zero
modified theorem ennreal.inv_inv
modified theorem ennreal.inv_ne_top
modified theorem ennreal.inv_ne_zero
added theorem ennreal.mul_eq_top
added theorem ennreal.mul_eq_zero