Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2021-07-08 11:22 fb22ae33

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refactor(order/rel_iso): move statements about intervals to data/set/intervals (#8150) This means that we can talk about rel_iso without needing to transitively import ordered_groups This PR takes advantage of this to define order_iso.mul_(left|right)['] to mirror equiv.mul_(left|right)['].

Estimated changes

deleted def order_iso.Ici_bot
deleted def order_iso.Iic_top
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Icc
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ici
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ico
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Iic
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Iio
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ioc
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ioi
deleted theorem order_iso.preimage_Ioo