Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2020-04-09 02:50 fbc95927

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chore(data/list): move some sections to separate files (#2341)

  • move list.func namespace to its own file
  • move erase_dup to its own file
  • move rotate to its own file
  • move tfae to its own file
  • move bag_inter and intervals
  • move range out
  • move nodup
  • move chain and pairwise
  • move zip
  • move forall2
  • move of_fn
  • add copyright headers
  • remove unnecessary sections, move defns to func.set and tfae
  • fixes
  • oops, forgot to add file

Estimated changes

deleted theorem list.Ico.chain'_succ
deleted theorem list.Ico.eq_cons
deleted theorem list.Ico.eq_empty_iff
deleted theorem list.Ico.eq_nil_of_le
deleted theorem list.Ico.filter_le
deleted theorem list.Ico.filter_le_of_le
deleted theorem list.Ico.filter_lt
deleted theorem list.Ico.filter_lt_of_ge
deleted theorem list.Ico.length
deleted theorem list.Ico.map_add
deleted theorem list.Ico.map_sub
deleted theorem list.Ico.mem
deleted theorem list.Ico.nodup
deleted theorem list.Ico.not_mem_top
deleted theorem list.Ico.pairwise_lt
deleted theorem list.Ico.pred_singleton
deleted theorem list.Ico.self_empty
deleted theorem list.Ico.succ_singleton
deleted theorem list.Ico.succ_top
deleted theorem list.Ico.trichotomy
deleted theorem list.Ico.zero_bot
deleted def list.Ico
deleted theorem list.array_eq_of_fn
deleted theorem list.bag_inter_nil
deleted theorem list.bi_unique_forall₂
deleted theorem list.chain'.cons
deleted theorem list.chain'.iff
deleted theorem list.chain'.iff_mem
deleted theorem list.chain'.imp
deleted theorem list.chain'.tail
deleted theorem list.chain'_cons
deleted theorem list.chain'_iff_pairwise
deleted theorem list.chain'_map
deleted theorem list.chain'_map_of_chain'
deleted theorem list.chain'_nil
deleted theorem list.chain'_of_chain'_map
deleted theorem list.chain'_pair
deleted theorem list.chain'_reverse
deleted theorem list.chain'_singleton
deleted theorem list.chain'_split
deleted theorem list.chain.iff
deleted theorem list.chain.iff_mem
deleted theorem list.chain.imp'
deleted theorem list.chain.imp
deleted theorem list.chain_iff_pairwise
deleted theorem list.chain_lt_range'
deleted theorem list.chain_map
deleted theorem list.chain_map_of_chain
deleted theorem list.chain_of_chain_cons
deleted theorem list.chain_of_chain_map
deleted theorem list.chain_of_pairwise
deleted theorem list.chain_singleton
deleted theorem list.chain_split
deleted theorem list.chain_succ_range'
deleted theorem list.count_bag_inter
deleted theorem list.count_eq_one_of_mem
deleted theorem list.enum_from_map_fst
deleted theorem list.enum_map_fst
deleted theorem list.erase_dup_append
deleted theorem list.erase_dup_eq_self
deleted theorem list.erase_dup_idempotent
deleted theorem list.erase_dup_nil
deleted theorem list.erase_dup_sublist
deleted theorem list.erase_dup_subset
deleted theorem list.filter_map_cons
deleted def list.fin_range
deleted theorem list.forall_mem_ne
deleted theorem list.forall_mem_pw_filter
deleted theorem list.forall_of_pairwise
deleted theorem list.forall₂.flip
deleted theorem list.forall₂.imp
deleted theorem list.forall₂.mp
deleted theorem list.forall₂_and_left
deleted theorem list.forall₂_cons
deleted theorem list.forall₂_drop
deleted theorem list.forall₂_eq_eq_eq
deleted theorem list.forall₂_iff_zip
deleted theorem list.forall₂_length_eq
deleted theorem list.forall₂_refl
deleted theorem list.forall₂_same
deleted theorem list.forall₂_take
deleted theorem list.forall₂_zip
deleted theorem list.func.add_nil
deleted theorem list.func.eq_get_of_mem
deleted theorem list.func.eq_of_equiv
deleted theorem list.func.equiv_of_eq
deleted theorem list.func.equiv_refl
deleted theorem list.func.equiv_symm
deleted theorem list.func.equiv_trans
deleted theorem list.func.get_add
deleted theorem list.func.get_map'
deleted theorem list.func.get_map
deleted theorem list.func.get_neg
deleted theorem list.func.get_nil
deleted theorem list.func.get_pointwise
deleted theorem list.func.get_set
deleted theorem list.func.get_sub
deleted theorem list.func.length_add
deleted theorem list.func.length_neg
deleted theorem list.func.length_set
deleted theorem list.func.length_sub
deleted theorem list.func.map_add_map
deleted theorem list.func.mem_get_of_le
deleted theorem list.func.nil_add
deleted theorem list.func.nil_pointwise
deleted theorem list.func.nil_sub
deleted theorem list.func.pointwise_nil
deleted theorem list.func.sub_nil
deleted theorem list.length_fin_range
deleted theorem list.length_iota
deleted theorem list.length_of_fn
deleted theorem list.length_of_fn_aux
deleted theorem list.length_range'
deleted theorem list.length_range
deleted theorem list.length_revzip
deleted theorem list.length_rotate'
deleted theorem list.length_rotate
deleted theorem list.length_zip
deleted theorem list.map_add_range'
deleted theorem list.map_sub_range'
deleted theorem list.mem_bag_inter
deleted theorem list.mem_erase_dup
deleted theorem list.mem_erase_of_nodup
deleted theorem list.mem_fin_range
deleted theorem list.mem_iota
deleted theorem list.mem_range'
deleted theorem list.mem_range
deleted theorem list.mem_rotate
deleted theorem list.mem_sections
deleted theorem list.mem_sections_length
deleted theorem list.mem_zip
deleted theorem list.nat.mem_antidiagonal
deleted theorem list.nil_bag_inter
deleted theorem list.nodup_append
deleted theorem list.nodup_append_comm
deleted theorem list.nodup_attach
deleted theorem list.nodup_bind
deleted theorem list.nodup_concat
deleted theorem list.nodup_cons
deleted theorem list.nodup_cons_of_nodup
deleted theorem list.nodup_diff
deleted theorem list.nodup_erase_dup
deleted theorem list.nodup_erase_of_nodup
deleted theorem list.nodup_filter
deleted theorem list.nodup_filter_map
deleted theorem list.nodup_fin_range
deleted theorem list.nodup_iff_nth_le_inj
deleted theorem list.nodup_iff_sublist
deleted theorem list.nodup_insert
deleted theorem list.nodup_inter_of_nodup
deleted theorem list.nodup_iota
deleted theorem list.nodup_join
deleted theorem list.nodup_map
deleted theorem list.nodup_map_iff
deleted theorem list.nodup_map_on
deleted theorem list.nodup_middle
deleted theorem list.nodup_nil
deleted theorem list.nodup_of_fn
deleted theorem list.nodup_of_nodup_cons
deleted theorem list.nodup_of_nodup_map
deleted theorem list.nodup_of_sublist
deleted theorem list.nodup_pmap
deleted theorem list.nodup_product
deleted theorem list.nodup_range'
deleted theorem list.nodup_range
deleted theorem list.nodup_repeat
deleted theorem list.nodup_reverse
deleted theorem list.nodup_sigma
deleted theorem list.nodup_singleton
deleted theorem list.nodup_sublists'
deleted theorem list.nodup_sublists
deleted theorem list.nodup_sublists_len
deleted theorem list.nodup_union
deleted theorem list.nodup_update_nth
deleted theorem list.not_mem_range_self
deleted theorem list.not_nodup_pair
deleted theorem list.nth_le_index_of
deleted theorem list.nth_le_of_fn
deleted theorem list.nth_le_range
deleted theorem list.nth_of_fn
deleted theorem list.nth_of_fn_aux
deleted theorem list.nth_range'
deleted theorem list.nth_range
deleted theorem list.of_fn_eq_pmap
deleted theorem list.of_fn_nth_le
deleted theorem list.of_fn_succ
deleted theorem list.of_fn_zero
deleted theorem list.pairwise.and
deleted theorem list.pairwise.and_mem
deleted theorem list.pairwise.chain'
deleted theorem list.pairwise.iff
deleted theorem list.pairwise.iff_of_mem
deleted theorem list.pairwise.imp
deleted theorem list.pairwise.imp_mem
deleted theorem list.pairwise.imp_of_mem
deleted theorem list.pairwise.imp₂
deleted theorem list.pairwise_append
deleted theorem list.pairwise_append_comm
deleted theorem list.pairwise_filter
deleted theorem list.pairwise_filter_map
deleted theorem list.pairwise_gt_iota
deleted theorem list.pairwise_iff_nth_le
deleted theorem list.pairwise_join
deleted theorem list.pairwise_lt_range'
deleted theorem list.pairwise_lt_range
deleted theorem list.pairwise_map
deleted theorem list.pairwise_middle
deleted theorem list.pairwise_of_forall
deleted theorem list.pairwise_of_sublist
deleted theorem list.pairwise_pair
deleted theorem list.pairwise_pw_filter
deleted theorem list.pairwise_reverse
deleted theorem list.pairwise_singleton
deleted theorem list.pairwise_sublists'
deleted theorem list.pairwise_sublists
deleted theorem list.prod_range_succ
deleted theorem list.pw_filter_eq_self
deleted theorem list.pw_filter_idempotent
deleted theorem list.pw_filter_map
deleted theorem list.pw_filter_nil
deleted theorem list.pw_filter_sublist
deleted theorem list.pw_filter_subset
deleted theorem list.range'_append
deleted theorem list.range'_concat
deleted theorem list.range'_eq_map_range
deleted theorem list.range'_sublist_right
deleted theorem list.range'_subset_right
deleted theorem list.range_concat
deleted theorem list.range_core_range'
deleted theorem list.range_eq_range'
deleted theorem list.range_sublist
deleted theorem list.range_subset
deleted theorem list.range_succ_eq_map
deleted theorem list.rel_append
deleted theorem list.rel_bind
deleted theorem list.rel_filter
deleted theorem list.rel_filter_map
deleted theorem list.rel_foldl
deleted theorem list.rel_foldr
deleted theorem list.rel_join
deleted theorem list.rel_map
deleted theorem list.rel_mem
deleted theorem list.rel_nodup
deleted theorem list.rel_of_chain_cons
deleted theorem list.rel_of_pairwise_cons
deleted theorem list.rel_prod
deleted theorem list.rel_sections
deleted theorem list.reverse_range'
deleted theorem list.reverse_revzip
deleted theorem list.revzip_map_fst
deleted theorem list.revzip_map_snd
deleted theorem list.revzip_swap
deleted theorem list.rotate'_cons_succ
deleted theorem list.rotate'_length
deleted theorem list.rotate'_length_mul
deleted theorem list.rotate'_mod
deleted theorem list.rotate'_nil
deleted theorem list.rotate'_rotate'
deleted theorem list.rotate'_zero
deleted theorem list.rotate_cons_succ
deleted theorem list.rotate_eq_rotate'
deleted theorem list.rotate_length
deleted theorem list.rotate_length_mul
deleted theorem list.rotate_mod
deleted theorem list.rotate_nil
deleted theorem list.rotate_rotate
deleted theorem list.rotate_zero
deleted theorem list.subset_erase_dup
deleted theorem list.tfae.out
deleted theorem list.tfae_cons_cons
deleted theorem list.tfae_cons_of_mem
deleted theorem list.tfae_nil
deleted theorem list.tfae_of_cycle
deleted theorem list.tfae_of_forall
deleted theorem list.tfae_singleton
deleted theorem list.unzip_cons
deleted theorem list.unzip_eq_map
deleted theorem list.unzip_left
deleted theorem list.unzip_nil
deleted theorem list.unzip_revzip
deleted theorem list.unzip_right
deleted theorem list.unzip_swap
deleted theorem list.unzip_zip
deleted theorem list.unzip_zip_left
deleted theorem list.unzip_zip_right
deleted theorem list.zip_append
deleted theorem list.zip_cons_cons
deleted theorem list.zip_map'
deleted theorem list.zip_map
deleted theorem list.zip_map_left
deleted theorem list.zip_map_right
deleted theorem list.zip_nil_left
deleted theorem list.zip_nil_right
deleted theorem list.zip_swap
deleted theorem list.zip_unzip
deleted theorem option.to_list_nodup
added theorem list.chain'.cons
added theorem list.chain'.iff
added theorem list.chain'.iff_mem
added theorem list.chain'.imp
added theorem list.chain'.tail
added theorem list.chain'_cons
added theorem list.chain'_map
added theorem list.chain'_nil
added theorem list.chain'_pair
added theorem list.chain'_reverse
added theorem list.chain'_singleton
added theorem list.chain'_split
added theorem list.chain.iff
added theorem list.chain.iff_mem
added theorem list.chain.imp'
added theorem list.chain.imp
added theorem list.chain_map
added theorem list.chain_of_pairwise
added theorem list.chain_singleton
added theorem list.chain_split
added theorem list.pairwise.chain'
added theorem list.rel_of_chain_cons
deleted def list.func.add
deleted def list.func.equiv
deleted def list.func.get
deleted def list.func.neg
deleted def list.func.pointwise
deleted def list.func.set
deleted def list.func.sub
deleted def list.tfae
added theorem list.filter_map_cons
added theorem list.forall₂.flip
added theorem list.forall₂.imp
added theorem list.forall₂.mp
added theorem list.forall₂_cons
added theorem list.forall₂_drop
added theorem list.forall₂_iff_zip
added theorem list.forall₂_refl
added theorem list.forall₂_same
added theorem list.forall₂_take
added theorem list.forall₂_zip
added theorem list.rel_append
added theorem list.rel_bind
added theorem list.rel_filter
added theorem list.rel_filter_map
added theorem list.rel_foldl
added theorem list.rel_foldr
added theorem list.rel_join
added theorem list.rel_map
added theorem list.rel_mem
added theorem list.rel_prod
added def list.func.add
added theorem list.func.add_nil
added theorem list.func.eq_of_equiv
added def list.func.equiv
added theorem list.func.equiv_of_eq
added theorem list.func.equiv_refl
added theorem list.func.equiv_symm
added theorem list.func.equiv_trans
added def list.func.get
added theorem list.func.get_add
added theorem list.func.get_map'
added theorem list.func.get_map
added theorem list.func.get_neg
added theorem list.func.get_nil
added theorem list.func.get_set
added theorem list.func.get_sub
added theorem list.func.length_add
added theorem list.func.length_neg
added theorem list.func.length_set
added theorem list.func.length_sub
added theorem list.func.map_add_map
added def list.func.neg
added theorem list.func.nil_add
added theorem list.func.nil_sub
added def list.func.set
added def list.func.sub
added theorem list.func.sub_nil
added theorem list.Ico.chain'_succ
added theorem list.Ico.eq_cons
added theorem list.Ico.eq_empty_iff
added theorem list.Ico.eq_nil_of_le
added theorem list.Ico.filter_le
added theorem list.Ico.filter_lt
added theorem list.Ico.length
added theorem list.Ico.map_add
added theorem list.Ico.map_sub
added theorem list.Ico.mem
added theorem list.Ico.nodup
added theorem list.Ico.not_mem_top
added theorem list.Ico.pairwise_lt
added theorem list.Ico.self_empty
added theorem list.Ico.succ_top
added theorem list.Ico.trichotomy
added theorem list.Ico.zero_bot
added def list.Ico
added theorem list.forall_mem_ne
added theorem list.nodup_append
added theorem list.nodup_append_comm
added theorem list.nodup_attach
added theorem list.nodup_bind
added theorem list.nodup_concat
added theorem list.nodup_cons
added theorem list.nodup_diff
added theorem list.nodup_filter
added theorem list.nodup_filter_map
added theorem list.nodup_iff_sublist
added theorem list.nodup_insert
added theorem list.nodup_join
added theorem list.nodup_map
added theorem list.nodup_map_iff
added theorem list.nodup_map_on
added theorem list.nodup_middle
added theorem list.nodup_nil
added theorem list.nodup_of_sublist
added theorem list.nodup_pmap
added theorem list.nodup_product
added theorem list.nodup_repeat
added theorem list.nodup_reverse
added theorem list.nodup_sigma
added theorem list.nodup_singleton
added theorem list.nodup_sublists'
added theorem list.nodup_sublists
added theorem list.nodup_union
added theorem list.nodup_update_nth
added theorem list.not_nodup_pair
added theorem list.nth_le_index_of
added theorem list.rel_nodup
added theorem option.to_list_nodup
added theorem list.array_eq_of_fn
added theorem list.length_of_fn
added theorem list.length_of_fn_aux
added theorem list.nth_le_of_fn
added theorem list.nth_of_fn
added theorem list.nth_of_fn_aux
added theorem list.of_fn_nth_le
added theorem list.of_fn_succ
added theorem list.of_fn_zero
added theorem list.pairwise.and
added theorem list.pairwise.and_mem
added theorem list.pairwise.iff
added theorem list.pairwise.imp
added theorem list.pairwise.imp_mem
added theorem list.pairwise.imp₂
added theorem list.pairwise_append
added theorem list.pairwise_filter
added theorem list.pairwise_join
added theorem list.pairwise_map
added theorem list.pairwise_middle
added theorem list.pairwise_pair
added theorem list.pairwise_reverse
added theorem list.pairwise_sublists
added theorem list.pw_filter_eq_self
added theorem list.pw_filter_map
added theorem list.pw_filter_nil
added theorem list.pw_filter_sublist
added theorem list.pw_filter_subset
added theorem list.chain_lt_range'
added theorem list.chain_succ_range'
added theorem list.enum_from_map_fst
added theorem list.enum_map_fst
added def list.fin_range
added theorem list.length_fin_range
added theorem list.length_iota
added theorem list.length_range'
added theorem list.length_range
added theorem list.map_add_range'
added theorem list.map_sub_range'
added theorem list.mem_fin_range
added theorem list.mem_iota
added theorem list.mem_range'
added theorem list.mem_range
added theorem list.nodup_fin_range
added theorem list.nodup_iota
added theorem list.nodup_of_fn
added theorem list.nodup_range'
added theorem list.nodup_range
added theorem list.nth_le_range
added theorem list.nth_range'
added theorem list.nth_range
added theorem list.of_fn_eq_pmap
added theorem list.pairwise_gt_iota
added theorem list.pairwise_lt_range
added theorem list.prod_range_succ
added theorem list.range'_append
added theorem list.range'_concat
added theorem list.range_concat
added theorem list.range_core_range'
added theorem list.range_eq_range'
added theorem list.range_sublist
added theorem list.range_subset
added theorem list.range_succ_eq_map
added theorem list.reverse_range'
added theorem list.length_rotate'
added theorem list.length_rotate
added theorem list.mem_rotate
added theorem list.rotate'_cons_succ
added theorem list.rotate'_length
added theorem list.rotate'_mod
added theorem list.rotate'_nil
added theorem list.rotate'_rotate'
added theorem list.rotate'_zero
added theorem list.rotate_cons_succ
added theorem list.rotate_eq_rotate'
added theorem list.rotate_length
added theorem list.rotate_length_mul
added theorem list.rotate_mod
added theorem list.rotate_nil
added theorem list.rotate_rotate
added theorem list.rotate_zero
added theorem list.tfae.out
added def list.tfae
added theorem list.tfae_cons_cons
added theorem list.tfae_cons_of_mem
added theorem list.tfae_nil
added theorem list.tfae_of_cycle
added theorem list.tfae_of_forall
added theorem list.tfae_singleton
added theorem list.length_revzip
added theorem list.length_zip
added theorem list.mem_zip
added theorem list.reverse_revzip
added theorem list.revzip_map_fst
added theorem list.revzip_map_snd
added theorem list.revzip_swap
added theorem list.unzip_cons
added theorem list.unzip_eq_map
added theorem list.unzip_left
added theorem list.unzip_nil
added theorem list.unzip_revzip
added theorem list.unzip_right
added theorem list.unzip_swap
added theorem list.unzip_zip
added theorem list.unzip_zip_left
added theorem list.unzip_zip_right
added theorem list.zip_append
added theorem list.zip_cons_cons
added theorem list.zip_map'
added theorem list.zip_map
added theorem list.zip_map_left
added theorem list.zip_map_right
added theorem list.zip_nil_left
added theorem list.zip_nil_right
added theorem list.zip_swap
added theorem list.zip_unzip