Mathlib v3 is deprecated. Go to Mathlib v4

Commit 2018-07-02 07:22 ff4eeed7

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feat(computability/turing_machine): reduce to 2-symbol TMs

Estimated changes

modified def turing.TM0.init
added theorem turing.TM0.map_init
modified theorem turing.TM0.step_supports
modified def turing.TM0.supports
added def
added inductive turing.TM0to1.Λ'
modified def turing.TM1.init
modified def turing.TM1.step_aux
modified def turing.TM1to0.tr_cfg
modified theorem turing.TM1to0.tr_supports
added def
added inductive turing.TM1to1.Λ'
modified def turing.TM2.init
modified def turing.TM2.step_aux
added theorem turing.reaches.to₀
added theorem turing.reaches₀.head
added theorem turing.reaches₀.refl
added theorem turing.reaches₀.tail
added theorem turing.reaches₀_eq
added theorem turing.reaches₁_fwd
added def
added theorem turing.tape.map_fst
added theorem turing.tape.map_mk
added theorem turing.tape.map_move
added theorem turing.tape.map_write
added def'
added theorem finset.coe_empty
added theorem finset.coe_erase
added theorem finset.coe_filter
added theorem finset.coe_image
added theorem finset.coe_inj
added theorem finset.coe_insert
added theorem finset.coe_inter
added theorem finset.coe_sdiff
added theorem finset.coe_singleton
added theorem finset.coe_subset
added theorem finset.coe_union
added theorem finset.mem_coe
added def finset.to_set
added theorem list.bind_append
added theorem list.drop_add
added theorem list.drop_left'
added theorem list.drop_left
added theorem list.drop_one
added theorem list.ne_nil_of_mem
added theorem list.reverse_repeat
added def list.take'
added theorem list.take'_eq_take
added theorem list.take'_left'
added theorem list.take'_left
added theorem list.take'_length
added theorem list.take'_nil
added theorem list.take_left'
added theorem list.take_left
deleted theorem finset.coe_empty
deleted theorem finset.coe_eq_coe
deleted theorem finset.coe_erase
deleted theorem finset.coe_filter
deleted theorem finset.coe_image
deleted theorem finset.coe_insert
deleted theorem finset.coe_inter
deleted theorem finset.coe_sdiff
deleted theorem finset.coe_singleton
deleted theorem finset.coe_subseteq_coe
deleted theorem finset.coe_union
deleted theorem finset.mem_coe
deleted def finset.to_set