Commit 2024-09-16 17:23 007dfdef

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feat: more API for AnalyticWithinAt (#16843) The PR adds versions for AnalyticWithinAt of many lemmas that were already available for AnalyticAt (and sometimes deduces the AnalyticAt versions from the AnalyticWithinAt). It is a little long, but mostly trivial without any real mathematical content.

Estimated changes

modified theorem analyticAt_fst
modified theorem analyticAt_id
modified theorem analyticAt_snd
modified theorem analyticOn_fst
modified theorem analyticOn_id
modified theorem analyticOn_snd
added theorem analyticWithinAt_fst
added theorem analyticWithinAt_id
added theorem analyticWithinAt_snd
added theorem analyticWithinOn_fst
added theorem analyticWithinOn_id
added theorem analyticWithinOn_snd