Commit 2024-01-09 20:44 0470fa9f

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feat: MonoidHom is equivalent to MulAction + IsScalarTower (#9381) Natural strengthening/extension of MonoidHom/RingHom.smulOneHom. Follow-up of #9064. monoidHomEquivMulActionIsScalarTower: A homomorphism between two monoids M and N can be equivalently specified by a multiplicative action of M on N that is compatible with the multiplication on N. ringHomEquivModuleIsScalarTower: A homomorphism between semirings R and S can be equivalently specified by a R-module structure on S such that S/S/R is a scalar tower. Mathlib doesn't have a typeclass for RingHom between noncommutative rings, but ringHomEquivModuleIsScalarTower shows we can achieve the same effect with the combination of Module + IsScalarTower.

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