Commit 2024-01-10 10:28 0788787e

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feat(Analysis/Analytic): define meromorphic functions (#9590) This patch defines MeromorphicAt, for functions on nontrivially normed fields, and prove it is preserved by sums and products (routine) and inverses (much less trivial). Along the way, we define "order of vanishing" for a function analytic at a point (as an ENat).

Estimated changes

added theorem MeromorphicAt.add
added theorem MeromorphicAt.congr
added theorem MeromorphicAt.div
added theorem MeromorphicAt.inv
added theorem MeromorphicAt.inv_iff
added theorem MeromorphicAt.mul
added theorem MeromorphicAt.neg
added theorem MeromorphicAt.neg_iff
added theorem MeromorphicAt.smul
added theorem MeromorphicAt.sub
added def MeromorphicAt
added theorem meromorphicAt_const
added theorem meromorphicAt_id