Commit 2022-11-14 11:36 0e3a5421

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feat: port Order.Basic (#556) min and max defaults are now the same between lean3 and lean4, so porting proofs in the future should be easier.

Estimated changes

added def AsLinearOrder
modified theorem Eq.not_gt
modified theorem Eq.not_lt
modified theorem LE.le.le_iff_eq
modified theorem LE.le.le_or_le
modified theorem LE.le.le_or_lt
modified theorem LE.le.lt_iff_ne
modified theorem LE.le.lt_or_le
modified theorem
modified theorem'
modified def LinearOrder.lift
deleted theorem NE.le_iff_lt
deleted theorem NE.lt_of_le'
deleted theorem NE.lt_of_le
added theorem Ne.le_iff_lt
added theorem Ne.lt_of_le'
added theorem Ne.lt_of_le
added theorem Ne.lt_or_lt
added theorem Ne.not_le_or_not_le
added def Order.Preimage
deleted def Order.preimage
added def OrderDual
added theorem PUnit.max_eq
added theorem PUnit.min_eq
added theorem PUnit.not_lt
modified def PartialOrder.lift
modified theorem Pi.compl_apply
modified theorem Pi.compl_def
modified theorem Pi.le_def
modified theorem Pi.lt_def
added theorem Pi.sdiff_apply
added theorem Pi.sdiff_def
modified def Preorder.lift
deleted theorem Preorder.to_le_injective
modified theorem Prod.le_def
modified theorem Prod.lt_iff
modified theorem Prod.mk_le_mk
modified theorem Prod.mk_le_mk_iff_left
modified theorem Prod.mk_le_mk_iff_right
modified theorem Prod.mk_lt_mk
modified theorem Prod.mk_lt_mk_iff_left
modified theorem Prod.mk_lt_mk_iff_right
modified theorem Prod.swap_le_swap
modified theorem Prod.swap_lt_swap
modified theorem Subtype.coe_le_coe
modified theorem Subtype.coe_lt_coe
modified theorem Subtype.mk_le_mk
modified theorem Subtype.mk_lt_mk
modified theorem dense_or_discrete
modified theorem eq_iff_le_not_lt
modified theorem eq_of_forall_ge_iff
added theorem eq_of_forall_gt_iff
modified theorem eq_of_forall_le_iff
added theorem eq_of_forall_lt_iff
added theorem eq_of_ge_of_not_gt
added theorem eq_of_le_of_not_lt
added theorem eq_or_gt_of_le
modified theorem eq_or_lt_of_le
modified theorem exists_between
modified theorem exists_ge_of_linear
modified theorem forall_lt_iff_le'
modified theorem forall_lt_iff_le
modified theorem ge_antisymm
modified theorem ge_iff_le
modified theorem ge_of_eq
modified theorem gt_iff_lt
added theorem le_Prop_eq
modified theorem le_iff_eq_or_lt
modified theorem le_iff_le_iff_lt_iff_lt
modified theorem le_imp_le_iff_lt_imp_lt
modified theorem le_implies_le_of_le_of_le
modified theorem le_of_eq_of_le'
modified theorem le_of_eq_of_le
modified theorem le_of_forall_ge_of_dense
modified theorem le_of_forall_le'
modified theorem le_of_forall_le
modified theorem le_of_forall_le_of_dense
modified theorem le_of_forall_lt'
modified theorem le_of_forall_lt
modified theorem le_of_le_of_eq'
modified theorem le_of_le_of_eq
modified theorem le_rfl
modified theorem le_trans'
modified theorem le_update_iff
modified theorem lt_iff_le_and_ne
modified theorem lt_iff_lt_of_le_iff_le'
modified theorem lt_iff_lt_of_le_iff_le
deleted theorem lt_iff_not_ge'
added theorem lt_iff_not_le
modified theorem lt_imp_lt_of_le_imp_le
modified theorem lt_of_eq_of_lt'
modified theorem lt_of_eq_of_lt
modified theorem lt_of_le_of_lt'
modified theorem lt_of_le_of_ne'
modified theorem lt_of_lt_of_eq'
modified theorem lt_of_lt_of_eq
modified theorem lt_of_lt_of_le'
deleted theorem lt_of_not_ge'
added theorem lt_of_not_le
added theorem lt_or_lt_iff_ne
modified theorem lt_self_iff_false
modified theorem lt_trans'
added theorem max_def'
added theorem max_rec'
added theorem max_rec
added theorem min_def'
added theorem min_rec'
added theorem min_rec
deleted theorem ne.lt_or_lt
modified theorem ne_iff_lt_iff_le
added theorem ne_of_not_le
modified theorem not_le_of_lt
modified theorem not_lt_iff_eq_or_lt
modified theorem not_lt_of_le
deleted def order_dual
added theorem subrelation_iff_le
modified theorem update_le_iff
modified theorem update_le_update_iff