Commit 2022-12-03 03:40 1078125d

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feat: port Algebra.Hom.Units (#745) mathlib3 SHA: 76171581280d5b5d1e2d1f4f37e5420357bdc636 Seems relatively straightforward. Some lemma names (e.g. units.coe_zpow -> Units.val_zpow_eq_zpow_val) are renamed to refer to val instead of coe, following the convention used in Algebra.Group.Units.

Estimated changes

added theorem Group.isUnit
added theorem IsUnit.coe_liftRight
added theorem IsUnit.div
added theorem IsUnit.eq_on_inv
added theorem IsUnit.inv
added theorem
added theorem IsUnit.of_leftInverse
added def IsUnit.unit'
added def Units.coeHom
added theorem Units.coeHom_apply
added theorem Units.coe_liftRight
added theorem Units.coe_map
added theorem Units.coe_map_inv
added def Units.liftRight
added def
added theorem Units.map_comp
added theorem Units.map_id
added theorem divp_eq_div
added theorem eq_on_inv
added theorem map_units_inv