Commit 2022-11-21 04:21 112b847a

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feat: mod_cases tactic (#593)

  • depends on #587 Implements the mod_cases tactic, a teaching tactic used by @hrmacbeth 's class which is also generally useful.
  • The tactic mod_cases h : e % 3 will perform a case disjunction on e : ℤ and yield subgoals containing the assumptions h : e ≡ 0 [ZMOD 3], h : e ≡ 1 [ZMOD 3], h : e ≡ 2 [ZMOD 3] respectively.
  • In general, mod_cases h : e % n works when n is a positive numeral and e is an expression of type .
  • If h is omitted as in mod_cases e % n, it will be default-named H.

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