Commit 2023-10-11 21:40 13444d80

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chore(Topology/SubsetProperties): Refactor SubsetProperties.lean (#7628) Split up the 2000-line Topology/SubsetProperties.lean into several smaller files. Not only is it too huge, but the name is very unhelpful, since actually about 90% of the file is about compactness; I've moved this material into various files inside a new subdirectory Topology/Compactness/.

Estimated changes

deleted structure CompactExhaustion
deleted def Filter.codiscrete
deleted theorem IsClopen.compl
deleted theorem IsClopen.diff
deleted theorem IsClopen.inter
deleted theorem IsClopen.preimage
deleted theorem
deleted theorem IsClopen.union
deleted def IsClopen
deleted theorem IsIrreducible.image
deleted theorem IsIrreducible.nonempty
deleted def IsIrreducible
deleted theorem IsPreirreducible.image
deleted theorem IsPreirreducible.interior
deleted theorem IsPreirreducible.preimage
deleted def IsPreirreducible
deleted theorem Subtype.irreducibleSpace
deleted def compactCovering
deleted theorem compactCovering_subset
deleted theorem compact_basis_nhds
deleted theorem disjoint_nhds_cocompact
deleted theorem eq_irreducibleComponent
deleted theorem exists_compact_between
deleted theorem exists_compact_subset
deleted theorem exists_compact_superset
deleted theorem exists_preirreducible
deleted theorem iUnion_compactCovering
deleted theorem irreducibleSpace_def
deleted theorem isClopen_biInter_finset
deleted theorem isClopen_biUnion_finset
deleted theorem isClopen_compl_iff
deleted theorem isClopen_discrete
deleted theorem isClopen_empty
deleted theorem isClopen_iInter_of_finite
deleted theorem isClopen_iUnion_of_finite
deleted theorem isClopen_range_inl
deleted theorem isClopen_range_inr
deleted theorem isClopen_range_sigmaMk
deleted theorem isClopen_univ
deleted theorem isClosed_and_discrete_iff
deleted theorem isCompact_compactCovering
deleted theorem isIrreducible_iff_closure
deleted theorem isIrreducible_iff_sInter
deleted theorem isIrreducible_singleton
deleted theorem isPreirreducible_empty
deleted theorem local_compact_nhds
deleted theorem mem_irreducibleComponent
added theorem IsIrreducible.image
added theorem IsIrreducible.nonempty
added def IsIrreducible
added theorem IsPreirreducible.image
added def IsPreirreducible
added theorem exists_preirreducible
added theorem irreducibleSpace_def
added theorem isPreirreducible_empty