Commit 2023-05-07 05:02 14167e48

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chore: bye-bye, solo bys! (#3825) This PR puts, with one exception, every single remaining by that lies all by itself on its own line to the previous line, thus matching the current behaviour of The exception is when the by begins the second or later argument to a tuple or anonymous constructor; see Essentially this is s/\n *by$/ by/g, but with manual editing to satisfy the linter's max-100-char-line requirement. The Python style linter is also modified to catch these "isolated bys".

Estimated changes

modified theorem IsUpperSet.div_left
modified theorem IsUpperSet.div_right
modified theorem IsUpperSet.mul_left
modified theorem IsUpperSet.mul_right
modified theorem IsUpperSet.smul
modified theorem Set.OrdConnected.smul
modified theorem lowerClosure_mul
modified theorem upperClosure_mul
modified theorem Finset.diag_card
modified theorem Finset.diag_union
modified theorem Finset.inter_product
modified theorem Finset.product_image_fst
modified theorem Finset.product_image_snd
modified theorem Finset.product_inter
modified theorem Finset.product_singleton
modified theorem Finset.product_union
modified theorem Finset.singleton_product
modified theorem Finset.union_product
modified theorem Fin.image_succAbove_univ
modified theorem Finset.Nonempty.eq_univ
modified theorem Finset.compl_erase
modified theorem Finset.compl_insert
modified theorem Finset.insert_inj_on'
modified theorem Set.toFinset_compl
modified theorem Set.toFinset_diff
modified theorem Set.toFinset_empty
modified theorem Set.toFinset_inter
modified theorem Set.toFinset_singleton
modified theorem Set.toFinset_symmDiff
modified theorem Set.toFinset_union
modified theorem Multiset.Rel.add
modified theorem Multiset.addHom_ext
modified theorem Multiset.count_inter
modified theorem Multiset.count_sub
modified theorem Multiset.filter_nsmul
modified theorem Multiset.inter_add_distrib
modified theorem Multiset.le_cons_of_not_mem
modified theorem Multiset.le_inter
modified theorem Multiset.map_comp_cons
modified theorem Multiset.map_lt_map
modified theorem Multiset.mem_nsmul
modified theorem Multiset.mem_of_mem_nsmul
modified theorem Multiset.mem_singleton_self
modified theorem Multiset.rel_eq
modified theorem Multiset.singleton_inj
modified theorem Multiset.sub_add_inter
modified theorem Multiset.union_add_inter
modified theorem Nat.Icc_pred_right
modified theorem Nat.Icc_succ_left
modified theorem Nat.Ico_succ_left
modified theorem Nat.Ico_succ_right
modified theorem Nat.Ico_succ_succ
modified theorem Nat.image_Ico_mod
modified theorem Nat.image_sub_const_Ico
modified theorem Nat.mod_injOn_Ico
modified theorem Sym2.IsDiag.mem_range_diag
modified theorem Sym2.ball
modified theorem Sym2.congr_left
modified theorem Sym2.congr_right
modified theorem Sym2.eq_swap
modified theorem Sym2.fromRel_bot
modified theorem Sym2.fromRel_top
modified theorem
modified theorem Sym2.map_comp
modified theorem Sym2.map_congr
modified theorem Sym2.mem_and_mem_iff
modified theorem Sym2.mem_map
modified theorem''_eq_mk''_iff
modified theorem''_prod_swap_eq
modified theorem Sym2.other_mem'
modified theorem Sym2.other_mem
modified theorem Sym2.other_ne
modified theorem Sym2.other_spec'
modified theorem Sym2.relBool_spec
modified theorem Class.classToCong_empty
modified theorem Class.congToClass_empty
modified theorem Class.mem_unionₛ
modified theorem Class.unionₛ_apply
modified theorem ZFSet.Hereditarily.empty
modified theorem ZFSet.choice_mem
modified theorem ZFSet.eq_empty
modified theorem ZFSet.eq_empty_or_nonempty
modified theorem ZFSet.mem_pair
modified theorem ZFSet.mem_union
modified theorem ZFSet.pair_injective
modified theorem ZFSet.pair_mem_prod
modified theorem ZFSet.toSet_insert
modified theorem ZFSet.toSet_inter
modified theorem ZFSet.toSet_range
modified theorem ZFSet.toSet_sdiff
modified theorem ZFSet.toSet_singleton
modified theorem ZFSet.toSet_union