Commit 2024-04-23 23:19 1a5d1288

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feat: NNRat.cast (#11203) Define the canonical coercion from the nonnegative rationals to any division semiring. From LeanAPAP

Estimated changes

modified theorem NNRat.coe_mk
modified theorem NNRat.coe_natCast
modified theorem NNRat.coe_one
modified theorem NNRat.coe_zero
added theorem NNRat.val_eq_cast
added theorem NNRat.cast_comm
added theorem NNRat.cast_commute
added theorem NNRat.cast_natCast
added theorem NNRat.cast_ofNat
added theorem NNRat.cast_one
added theorem NNRat.cast_zero
added theorem NNRat.commute_cast
added theorem eq_nnratCast
added theorem map_nnratCast