Commit 2024-03-12 19:14 1c3f3619

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feat: uniqueness of the continuous functional calculus (#11256) This establishes uniqueness of the continuous functional calculus for unital algebras. When the scalar ring is or , this follows immediately from Stone-Weierstrass, but for ℝ≥0, we need to reuse the result for . This is tricky, as we need to upgrade an ℝ≥0-algebra homomorphism (with domain C((s : Set ℝ≥0), ℝ≥0)) to a -algebra homomorphism (with domain C(((↑) '' s : Set ℝ), ℝ)). This is the reason the UniqueContinuousFunctionalCalculus class exists in the first place, as opposed to simply appealing directly to Stone-Weierstrass to prove StarAlgHom.ext_continuousMap.

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