Commit 2023-11-30 23:41 1c6d0cef

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chore: bump Std, changes for leanprover/std4#366 (#8700) Notably leanprover/std4#366 changed the definition of testBit (to something equivalent) when upstreaming it, which broke a handful of proofs. Other conflicting changes in Std, resolved for now by priming the mathlib name:

  • Std.BitVec.adc: the type was changed from BitVec (n + 1) to Bool × BitVec w
  • Nat.mul_add_mod: the type was changed from (a * b + c) % b = c % b to (b * a + c) % b = c % b Zulip thread

Estimated changes

deleted theorem Bool.false_eq_decide_iff
deleted def Bool.toNat
deleted theorem Bool.toNat_false
deleted theorem Bool.toNat_le_one
deleted theorem Bool.toNat_true
deleted theorem Bool.true_eq_decide_iff
deleted theorem Nat.eq_of_testBit_eq
deleted theorem Nat.land_zero
deleted theorem Nat.lor_zero
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_bitwise
deleted theorem Nat.testBit_xor
deleted theorem Nat.zero_land
deleted theorem Nat.zero_lor
deleted theorem Nat.zero_testBit